Fay (6 Aug 2023)
"Biden's Saudi 'Normalisation' Honey Trap for Israel"


Hi John and Doves,

An alarming interview with Yonni Ben Menaham. Yonni is an experienced and knowledgeable man. He has unprecedented access to the reality of what the 'Palestinians' are actually thinking and are prepared to do. He has direct information from highly placed politicians and Palestinian leaders. According to his information, 90% of Palestinians do NOT want a two-state solution with Israel. They want a full on war! They desire to own the whole of Israel and not be forced to coexist with the Jewish people. The Palestinian people have no trust in the current leadership of the Palestinian Authority (Mahmoud Abbas). They desire new leadership who will lead them into a full-scale war with Israel.

It's under these dangerous conditions that the Biden administration have prepared a 'normalisation' agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel. An agreement that Yonnie says is a dangerous honey trap for Israel. Besides the two-state solution, the Saudi's have stipulated that the USA must provide them with the means to build their own nuclear reactor. I consider the interview in the video as a Must Watch. I learned stuff that has been hidden under the radar. This is the scenario that will incur Almighty God's wrath.

My opinion is that Iran will not be best pleased with the idea of the Saudi's getting their own nuclear reactor. This is stirring up a huge hornet's nest in the Middle East arena. Remember - Saudi Arabia does not escape destruction in the Ezekiel 38 Gog-Magog war.

The biggest danger is to Israel. This 'peace summit' in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on August 5th-6th will be fraught with prophetic signs. As well as 30 other countries, Zelensky will be in attendance. Russia is not invited. The end time specifics are swerving into view.

Please come quickly, LORD Jesus. Please bring peace to Jerusalem.

Biden’s Saudi honey trap for Israel - JNS.org