Fay (27 Aug 2023)
"Golda Meir & the Yom Kippur War. Hmmm!"


Hi John and Doves,

The article from JPost is fascinating. A piece of history that has been forgotten in the mists of time.

The Yom Kippur war began on October 6th, 1973 - that years date of Yom Kippur. This was just over 6 years from the 6 Day war in 1967 (notice all the sixes). 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of this war on Yom Kippur 1973.

In 2023, Yom Kippur falls on September 24/25th - directly after the 6 year anniversary of the Revelation 12 sign on September 23rd, 2017. Wow! This only adds to the intrigue of what may occur this year in September. These are things that really make one go hmmm!

As noted in my post last week, September 23rd, 2023 falls on Shabbat Shuva. Shabbat Shuva is a very special Sabbath. It literally means 'Return, oh Israel'. Details in the 2nd link. This special Shabbat falling just one day before Yom Kippur 2023 is enough to send shivers down the spine. It simply cannot be meaningless.

Please come soon, LORD Jesus. Please come and bring peace to Jerusalem and to the world. Only when Jerusalem has peace, will the world have peace.

Did Golda Meir let the Yom Kippur War happen? - Israel Culture - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

Shabbat Shuvah - Chabad.org