Fay (13 Aug 2023)
"What a Tangled Web they Weave"


Hi John and Doves,

It appears that the chickens are coming home to roost. Things that were being done behind the scenes are now being exposed. The mafia-style tactics the Biden administration have used to force social media providers into compliance with their agenda, are laid out. All the crud is being exposed. How are the mafia-like mob going to respond to this new emerging reality? More violence? Probably!

I found the 'Godfather' picture in the article very reminiscent of the puppeteer in the opening scenes of I Pet Goat 2. That puppeteer was shown to be controlling GW Bush. It all began with 9/11. Did you ever wonder about the close, affectionate relationship the Obama's have with GW Bush? It has always struck me as bizarre. We have even been treated to photos of Bill Clinton, GW Bush and Barack Obama in a chummy group in the Oval Office. All 'Hail fellow, well met'. Rat Pack style.

The article is excellent. It gives me great comfort that this filth is now coming to light.

'Not-So Veiled Threats': Judge Compares Biden Regime To Mafia For 'Strong-Arming' Social Media Companies | ZeroHedge