Donna Danna (27 Aug 2023)
"TO GINO:  Male & Female Nephilim"

This is in reply to the questions in your 8/20 post at

Do you think that there may be angels doing it again in our days?

(I haven't heard any reports of giants as tall as cedar trees (Amos 2:9) anywhere in the world and somebody would have noticed them if there are any.)

Does, as it was in the days of Noe, also imply a repeat of what those angels did with those women back then?
i.e., could there be hybrid offsprings being born in our time?

(If angels during our time had sex with human women, I would assume that the Lord would have them chained up like the other fallen angels who are chained up that went into women and produced the giants or the Lord might have the giants killed which is what happened when the Israelites went into Canaan where the giants lived.)

If there were female hybrids, and they had children with male hybrids, would the children still be nephilim?

(Their children would be hybrids which would be 1/2 human and 1/2 nephilim (giant).

If a hybrid had children with a regular human, would the children then be ¼ non-human?

(That is correct. Their children would be 1/4 non-human or 1/4 nephilim and 3/4 human.)

Could this have been continually repeated, until % non-human was barely perceptible?

(Yes, but each time their mate would have to be 100% human in order for this to happen.  For instance if a child was born that was only 1/4 nephilim and they mated with a 100% human, their children would be 1/8 nephilim and so forth.)

Are there hybrids of varying % walking among us today?

(I do not know the answer to your question, but it may be possible.  Where did Big Foot come from?  Please listen to this video at Are Giant Nephilim Still Here? (Shocking Recent Sightings) - Bing video)