Chance (6 Aug 2023)
"It's Heating Up Between Poland and Wagner Group (Russian Federation) and Niger Fell to a Military Coup"

Hello John and Doves,
Major hot spots right now in Eastern Europe and Africa:  1) Ukraine vs Russia, spilling over into 2) Wagner Group/Russian Federation in Belarus vs Poland and 3) the African country of Niger - the latest military coup - and the Wagner Group could step in.  And how are these  cooked, besides involving the Wagner Group - U.S. weapons being sent to Ukraine are ending up in Africa!
Ukraine - Russia/Poland - Belarus (Wagner Group):
Back on 23 July, I reported on the "Latest News on Ukraine-Russia War.  Major Developments Last week."

In this letter I wrote about Wagner Group training the Belarus military for an invasion from Poland.  And Putin claiming that Poland wants to seize Western Ukraine and parts of Belarus.  
Then today, July 31, 2023 I received an SMS Alert Text from
"US Amb to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, warns that any aggression by Wagner Group against Poland will be seen by NATO as an attack by the Russian military."
It's being reported that the Wagner Group is training local forces at a Belarus base just 10 miles from the Polish border.   The Polish Prime Minister Maleusz Morawiecki said that "Now the situation is becoming even more dangerous...This is certainly a step towards a further hybrid attack on Polish territory.  Our UN Ambassador said that "We have seen their hostile efforts on the African continent, so we are certainly concerned about the activities of this group on behalf of the Russian authorities, because they do not act independently of the Russian authorities.  This is a threat to all of us and we must ensure that our message is clear:  that any attack by the Wagner Group will be considered an attack by the Russian authorities."
Poland is part of NATO so an attack on Poland would invoke Article 5...which is what the West (the U.S./UK, etc.) are hoping for.  The West wants war with Russia.
So Putin is claiming Poland is going to attack Belarus and the U.S. is claiming that the Wagner Group/Russian authorities is threatening an attack on Poland.
Coups in Africa - Niger latest military coup and fears of Wagner take over:
Parts of Africa have been really heating up - last week another military coup was added to the list. This time in Niger - the seventh military coup in a little less than three years in Central and West Africa.  Very unstable governments.  And lots of forces at play behind the scenes - including the U.S. and Russia via the Wagner Group.
Niger's Ambassador to the U.S. said that if the U.S. withdraws security aid from Niger, "It would be a disaster because the whole region would then go under Wagner."  "Russia's mercenaries are active in nearby countries, including Mali, Libya, the Central African Republic and Sudan."  This is exactly what happened in Mali before Wagner took over.  Burkina Faso is also leaning towards Wagner.  "The general (Tchiani) ordered supporters of the coup to carry Russian flags...and he is ...friendly with Mali, which relies on Wagner forces."   "...if Niger were to succumb, Wagner forces would see Niger's natural resources exploited as payment."  
"Wagner will be interested in anything they can steal in Africa" - to pay themselves and provide protection to the dictators.  In Niger, Uranium is a target for Wagner.
Niger's ambassador to the US sees Wagner hand after coup | Northwest & National News |
Is the U.S. involved in Africa?   In this March 9, 2022 article:  "U.S. trained officers have led seven coups and coup attempts in Africa over the last year and a half....U.S.-trained officers have attempted coups in five West African countries alone:  three times in Burkina Faso, three times in Mali and once each in Guinea, Mauritania and Gambia."  "...most Americans have no idea what their tax dollars have wrought in Africa and the broader implications of failed U.S. counterterrorism policies being implemented repeatedly, in country after country."
Intercepted: U.S.-Trained Officers Have Led Numerous Coups in Africa
Were these 'coups' and 'coup attempts' for good reasons or bad?  For greed?  For control of the country and it's assets?  I don't know.  Seems the U.S. has it's sticky fingers everywhere.  And the Russian Federation is on the move in Africa also via the Wagner Group latching on to African assets.
Add this to today's alert:  "State Dept orders departure of non-emerg USGOV employees and eligible family members from US Embassy Niger due to deteriorating security situation....The Department is advising U.S. citizens not to travel to Niger."
"On July 26, President Mohamed Bazoum was placed under house arrest amidst efforts to overthrow the democratically elected government of Niger....The U.S. Embassy has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in Niger due to the temporary reduction in embassy staff."
"A prominent terrorism researcher on Wednesday called the recent coup in Niger a "nightmare scenario" for the United States and warned it could embolden the Wager Group of Russian mercenaries....On July 26, Niger President Mohamed Bazoum was overthrown and detained by members of his own guard.  General Abdourahmane Tchiani, the former commander of Bazoum's guard, announced two days later on state-run TV that he had assumed power....Media outlets have reported that thousands of protesters who favored the coup took to the streets of Niger's capital city, Niamey, over the weekend.  Many carried Russian flags and changed messages of support for Russian President Vladimir Putin....However, the Wager Group, which has contracts in countries such as the Central African Republic and Mali, could look to capitalize on the turmoil in Niger."
U.S. in 'Nightmare Scenario' as Niger Coup Gives Wagner Group Opportunity
And then Putin "is prepared to give weapons away for free to an African nation amid ongoing tensions in Niger - that would be awfully tempting for the Niger coup leader/military.
"The military takeover was condemned by numerous nations including the U.S. and the United Nations Security Council.  According to Al Jazeera. the military governments of Burkina Faso and Mali also responded to the military takeover in Niger, stating their 'fraternal solidarity' and "Any military intervention against Niger would be tantamount to a declaration of war against Burkina Faso and Mali."  The Economic Community of West African States is threatening the use of force if the duly elected president Bazoum  is 'not reinstated as president.'  And in this article, it was noted that "weapons being sent to Ukraine are ending up in Africa."
Putin Ready to Give Out Free Weapons as Niger Tensions Boil Over
The neighboring country of Burkina Faso recently had their own coup  - their second military coup in 2022.  This was announced in October 2022. 
Speaking of Mali, "The White House has alleged that Russia's private military company Wagner Group and it's leader Yevgeny Prigozhin played a role in securing the departure of the decade-long presence of United Nations forces in the West African nation of Mali"  This article is dated June 30, 2023.
Why would the Wagner Group or the U.S. etc be interested in these African countries?
"Niger is the world's seventh-biggest producer of uranium, the radioactive metal widely used for nuclear energy and treating cancer."
France evacuates citizens from Niger after neighbours warn of war
 "Mali is considered to have some of the largest gold deposits on the continent...and significant uranium, phosphate and bauxite deposits
What Are The Major Natural Resources Of Mali? - WorldAtlas
"..mineral deposits such as gold are the major natural resources of Burkina Faso."
What Are The Major Natural Resources Of Burkina Faso? - WorldAtlas
"The United States took aim at Russia's Wagner Group and imposed sanctions on Tuesday on companies it accused of engaging in illicit gold dealings to fund the mercenary force."
US sanctions gold firms suspected of funding Wagner Group | Reuters
"The Treasury Department announced sanctions against Midas Resources which operates mines in the Central African Republic and Diamville, a gold and diamond purchasing company in the country - and said both were controlled by Wagner Group chief Yevgeny Prigozhin....The Wagner Group funds it brutal operations in part by exploiting natural resources in countries like the Central African Republic and Mali...""
US targets Wagner Group over gold in Africa, days after mutiny
"Russia's economy is being sustained by the Wagner Group's gold smuggling operations, the UK government says.  A report says the mercenary group has been sneaking "significant" amounts of gold out of Sudan."
Russia's Economy Is Propped up by Wagner's Gold Smuggling: Report
How bad could this get?  
Coup supporters attacked the French Embassy in Niamey, Niger.  Chanting Long live Putin.  Long live Russia.  Down with Macron.  Down with France.
"France began the evacuation of hundreds of French and European citizens from Niger on Tuesday, a day after neighbours Mali and Burkina Faso said any outside intervention to restore the ousted government would be seen as a declaration of war."
"With the risk of conflict escalating, Spain said it was preparing to evacuate more than 70 citizens by air and Italy said it would organise a repatriation flight.  Germany urged its citizens to join the French flights....The U.S., Germany and Italy also have troops in Niger on counter-insurgency and training missions. There has been no announcement of troops being evacuated so far." 
France evacuates citizens from Niger after neighbours warn of war
"France on Sunday warned it would retaliate if its citizens were attacked in Niger...Should anyone attack French nationals, the army, diplomats and French interests, they will see France respond in an immediate and intractable manner, the French president's office said, adding that French President Emmanuel Macron "will not tolerate any attack against France and its interests."
France warns will retaliate if its interests attacked in Niger - Africa - World - Ahram Online
The new military ruler of Niger has called on the people to defend the country.  
"The African Union also demanded the military of Niger "return to their barracks and restore constitutional authority" within 15 days since it grabbed power." 
Niger suspends export of uranium, gold to France - Mehr News Agency
ECOWAS has suspended ties with Niger and said the president must be reinstated within a week or they will authorize the use of force.  They have also imposed a no fly zone over Niger.  And have ordered the seizure of Niger assets
And Nigeria has cut power supply to Niger.
COUP: Nigeria cuts power supply to Niger Republic - Vanguard News
"Military intervention in junta-ruled Niger was "the last resort."  "The military option is the very last option on the table, the last resort, but we have to prepare for the eventuality", said Abdel Fatau Musah, ECOWAS Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security."  ECOWAS is the Economic Community of West African States.
COUP: Nigeria cuts power supply to Niger Republic - Vanguard News
And there are conflicting stories that Niger has suspended the export of gold and uranium to France and the U.S..
Niger suspends export of gold and uranium to France. - Rifnote
So we have a mess in this part of Africa, with coups and the Wagner Group (Russia) and U.S. supporting opposite sides.
Back to Poland and Wagner,The latest news as of 8/2:
Twitter's EndGameWW3 wrote:  "Tensions high on NATO's border with Belarus after Wagner troops move closer."
John Bulkeley, who is keeping up with all of this wrote on twitter "If the Wagner Group is really insane enough to try and invade Poland, this is WW3 with Russia.  NATO should be flooding resources into Poland RIGHT NOW to stop this.  And let's not forget how WW2 started.  An invasion of Poland."  And "If gold and uranium are involved, you can be sure the Wagner Group will be VERY interested in Niger.  They certainly were in Sudan."
John Bulkeley (@bulkeley_john) / X
US Ambassador to the UN made it clear to Putin that an attack by the Wagner Group will be seen as an attack by the Russian Federation.
There is news that the Polish army is transferring reinforcements to the Belarusian border.  The Belarusian President is threatening Poland with the Wagner Group - saying they are eyeing Warsaw.
"Poland said on Tuesday it was rushing troops to its eastern border after accusing Belarus, Russia's closest ally, of violating its airspace with military helicopters.  The Belarusian military denied any such violation and accused NATO member Poland, one of Ukraine's most fervent backers in its conflict with Russia, of making up the accusation to justify a build up of its troops."   "On Saturday, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said a group of 100 Wagner fighters had moved close to the Belarusian city of Grodno near the Polish border, describing the situation as increasingly dangerous."
Poland rushes troops to border, Belarus denies helicopter violation
U.S. Weapons to Ukraine:
As for the weapons going to Ukraine ending up in Africa:  Back in December 2022 this article states that weapons from Ukraine are arming Boko Haram and ISIS terrorists along with dictators in Chad, Niger, Central African Republic, etc.  "In August, an American news outlet unmasked that a shockingly large amount of weaponry heading for Ukraine was untraceable.  Like 30% of it reaches its final destination."  Some of the arms are going to West Asia also.
Weapons delivered to Ukraine 'beginning to filter' to Africa: Nigeria | Al Mayadeen English
The U.S. can't be so naive or stupid to not know what is happening.  This is just unconscionable to allow these weapons to just disappear all over the world - and at the American taxpayers expense.  People have been asking for an accountability of these weapons and the Biden administration/Biden DoD has refused.  A lot of somebodies are making a lot of money on this.  And a lot of bad people are getting weapons - weapons they should never had in their hands.  We are supplying weapons for wars and future wars!   Our Biden administration has so much blood on their hands!  They are using Ukraine as a cover for their arms smuggling operations!

All of this is very fluid...and there will probably be many more developments before this coming Sunday.  Just when we think the world can't take any more 'hot spots' - one or two more pop up.  And the U.S. is providing a lot of the weapons to these present and future 'hot spots.'  War is money.  And both weapons and money are flowing.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!