Chance (6 Aug 2023)
"Is This Demonic Possession?"

Hello John and Doves,
If one reads the Gospels - all through them Jesus casts out demons.  There are many many stories of demon possessed people.  Where did all of those demons go?
I've often wondered, especially with the depravity we see now in this country, if we are seeing more and more demonic possession as people turn themselves over to pride, greed, hate, pornography, pedophilia, etc.
It can't be JUST during Jesus' ministry that demons possessed people!!  
How much 'psychosis' is demonic possession?  Jesus seemed to heal as many as He "exorcised" - and the people back then knew what demonic possession was.  It looks like there was a whole lot of demonic possession going on back then.  
"And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick and healed them."  Mark 6:13
"When the even was come, they brought unto Him many that were possessed with devils; and He cast out the spirits with His word, and healed all that were sick."  Matthew 8:16
In Mark 1:39, "And He preached in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and cast out devils." 
In Luke, we read about others, besides Jesus and His disciples casting out demons:  "And John answered and said, "Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name..."  Luke 9:49  People knew back then what was going on.  One woman had 6 demons.  Mark 16:9  This man had many demons:  Luke 8:29  And there are verses about the demons re-entering the person.  As in Mark 9:25, Jesus tells the demon to "come out of him and never enter him again."  And demons can bring other demons with them  Matthew 12:45 "Then goeth he (an evil spirt), and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there:  and the last state of that man is worse than the first."
And we know that these demons recognized Jesus - because Jesus commanded them not to announce who He was.  
"When he (the demon) saw Jesus, he cried out, and fell down before Him and with a loud voice said, "What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God most high?  I beseech thee, torment me not."  Luke 8:28
"Once when He was in the synagogue, a man possessed by a demon - an evil spirit - cried out, shouting, "Go away!  Why are you interfering with us, Jesus of Nazareth?  Have you come to destroy us?  I know who you are - the Holy One of God!"  Luke 4:33-34  Jesus told the demon to "Be quiet!"  Luke 4:35
In Mark 1:35:  "That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed. ...He also drove out many demons, but He would not let the demons speak because they knew who He was."
We never hear about demon possession in the our news - it's always some mental illness, parental abuse, childhood trauma, etc...never demon possession.  That has been lost to society.  "Science" thinks it knows better.
Today, I saw this article, dated August 1, 2023  - it's a news article about the young man that killed four classmates and injured 7 others in the Michigan High School shooting of 2021.
This article tells us about this man's manifesto on the eve of the massacre; he wrote, "There is no God...I am the demon...I'm gonna open fire on everyone in the hallway."
Video was released at his court hearing of him while in jail; "he is hearf blaming God and crying out in distress repeatedly, "He could have stopped it" and "He could have saved her."
Psychologist Colin King testified that this man "had a break with reality" and that this is exactly how psychosis works.  It came out in the court case that this man had an "obsession with torturing and killing baby birds and other kids" and that he was "hearing voices".
Many people suffer from depression, are abused by neglectful or too strict parents, have 'hard childhoods' - but they don't take joy in torture and watching others suffer.  They don't hear voices.
'I'm sorry, God! ... Why didn't you stop it?': School shooter breaks down in jail
Is this demonic possession?  
There are some recent creepy videos of late - I don't know what to make of them other than they are bizarre.
Here's one on with Senator Grassley testifying at the House Subcommittee hearing on weaponization of the Federal Government.  Note the strange man behind Grassley's left shoulder - he's intently staring at Grassley and does he ever move besides just blinking his right eye?  There are other people moving...but this guy is just...creepy.  This goes on for at least 15 minutes....
(188) Grassley Testifies at House Subcommittee Hearing on Weaponization of the Federal Government - YouTube
run time 15:00
And check out the woman, Crystia Freeland (evil Canadian globalist) off to Trudeau's side - she looks to be saying exactly what he is saying.  He is reading from papers in front of him - not from a teleprompter.  Did she write his speech and knows every word...or is she 'telling' him what to say?  Bizarre.
(188) Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau invokes Emergencies Act over protests - YouTube
run time 1:22
And then take a look at this video on "And We Know" on rumble - check out at 29:48 and watch "House Hearing on Biden and Big Tech Censorship" - Stacey Plaskett is talking and there's a woman back behind her - her aide.  She's definitely strange acting and her eyes - wow, tell a lot.  She is saying what Stacey Plaskett is saying - this is really creepy.  Again there is no teleprompter.  Plaskett is reading from papers.  You can skip when the topic changes and move on to more Plaskett at 32:49 through 35:12.   "Demonic ventriloquism"?? (Stacey Plaskett is one of the evil people in government.)  It's said her aide wrote the speech - but why say the goofs?
7.26.23: NCSWIC making WAVES! Exposure on ALL LEVELS, DEMONS exposed. Ukraine, PRAY!
I think I can safely safe that there is a whole lot of demon possession in politics/government...looking at just the insanity, depravity, filth....  And there are more and more people 'picking up' on strange behaviors - especially on C-SPAN, youtube, etc.  Even Biden has odd moments of 'freezing up' - like McConnell the other day.  Health issues or something more...?
I believe that some demonic possession results in craziness/demons talking/violence against the person possessed and against others like in Jesus' day but I also believe that today's demons are much more 'sophisticated" because we are more 'sophisticated'....we like 'science' to explain everything.  They can use different tactics and they know not to 'act crazy' as that exposes them - like in Jesus' day.  They are more stealth these days.  They like being hidden, behind the scenes, in the background.  But cameras are catching them.
Note this article in, where the author wrote, "First, it must be said that demonic possession is extremely rare."   
What Are the Signs of Demonic Possession?
Would Jesus and the disciples say that demonic possession was extremely rare?  I think not. Where does that author think those demons went??  They all went back to Hell?
This line of thinking is very dangerous for Christians today.  THEY want us to believe that demons aren't around, or they don't exist, or demonic possession is actually 'extremely rare'.
I beg to differ.  What we're seeing around us is definitely demonic control  and often, demonic possession.  The demons didn't go anywhere - they just have found different ways to 'express themselves' in the possessed today than in Jesus' day.  Also, they use technology (porn on line), Artificial Intelligence, Social Media, Left-leaning news, liberal politicians, etc.  to 'influence' and manipulate people.  And as always, greed, sexual perversions, hate, etc open doors to demonic possession.  Those 'doors' that open let in demons.
If we don't recognize what is going on around us, we can be controlled, used, influenced by evil forces.  We fight against the powers of darkness daily.  This is nothing new for mankind - it's just gotten more deceptive, more evil, but if we know what 'signs' to watch for - we can be aware and on our guard.
I don't know if that young man is demon possessed, but his violence towards others and his 'talking' to God and hearing voices made it suspect.
I believe that too many cases of demon possession are being passed off as a man-made/man diagnosed psychosis/mental issue - explained away by 'science'.  
I listened to an interview with Father Malachi Martin years ago - he said that the most exorcisms he did was of young men in corporate America - wanting to work their way up the ladder - sell their soul for a better job, trophy wife, big house, fancy car...all the lusts of the world. Some unknowningly, some knowingly.
And these 'sins' can led to adultery, pornography, drugs, alcohol, etc. as they need more and more to satisfy their 'worldly' cravings.
The examples I gave above of weird behavior is the tip of the iceberg...there are many, many more such videos of 'ventriloquism', odd staring, no blinking, 'brain locks/shut down', etc.- things outside of 'normal' human behaviors.  I certainly am more aware now.
I've linked a couple of sites below about signs of demon possession.  God gave us tools to fight off the demons.  "Finally, let the mighty strength of the Lord make you strong.  Put on all the armor that God gives, so you can defend yourself against the devil's tricks.  We are not fighting against human.  We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rules of darkness and powers in the spiritual world.  So put on all the armor that God gives.  Then when that evil day comes, you will be able to defend yourself.  And when the battle is over, you will still be standing firm."  Ephesians 6:10-13
Ephesians 6:10-20 CEV - The Fight against Evil -Finally, let - Bible Gateway
God knows EXACTLY what we are up against.  That's why we pray, "Deliver us from evil."
And We need to know!!!  We can't get through this life without His protection.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
So what else do we look for?  
Here's a couple of websites that list signs of demonic possession:
The Awful Top 10 Major Signs of Demonic Possession
Here are a few from the 10 listed at the above site:
Pscyosis is listed - where "the individual starts laughing inappropriately in situations that didn't call for it.  He or she may start indulging in childish acts and laughing at things that aren't hilarious.  (I've seen this one before.)
Temperament changes - "The possessed may experience repeated episodes of sudden anger issues, violence, and cruelty towards coworkers and family members."
Personality changes.
Delusion - "They may start claiming that God is talking directly to them and that he is giving them instructions.  However, they are not actually hearing God; the voice they hear is that of the demonic entity."