Chance (27 Aug 2023)
"The BRICS Summit This Last Week and The Ten Nation Alliance of The Revelation/Dr. Barry Awe"

Hello John and Doves,
In this letter, I wrote about the recent BRICS summit in South Africa and Dr. Barry's Awe's thoughts on the ten nation alliance in The Revelation.  Then I did a bit of speculating....
BRICS Summit:
BRICS economic bloc just finished up their three-day summit in South Africa on August 24.  They could more than double the size of their economic bloc in 2024. 
BRICS has invited six countries to join their group in 2024.  These are Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Egypt and Ethiopia.  Adding these or any Middle East countries will certainly increase China and Russia's influence in the Persian Gulf area.  It looks like Saudi Arabia and the UAE could become members the first of January 2024.
:For all of the talk of a gold-backed currency the keystone to the toppling of the Western Hegemony has always rested on the decision of Saudi Arabia.  With their official intent to join BRICS now codified, the Deep State's power projection (military, financial and energy) just received a stunning and irreversible blow."  The Petrodollar has been tied to "trade for the Saudi's oil in USD".  "With their entry, BRICS will control more than 60% of global energy markets, all while the Biden administration continues to draw down the U.S.'s Strategic Petroleum Reserve and fails to restart drilling permits they shut down following the 2020 election coup against Donald Trump"  "The Multi-Polar World isn't coming.  It's here."
Badlands News Brief - by Burning Bright - Badlands Media
Putin did not attend the summit, but attended "virtually".
At the summit, China's commerce minister Wang Wentao delivered "hostile remarks clearly directed toward the U.S."
BRICS' influence is becoming more problematic for the West.  They already "represent around 40% of the world's population and more than a quarter of the world's GDP.  That is set to increase with the new members, which include three of the world's biggest oil producers in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Iran."
The 4 biggest moments from this week's BRICS summit — and why they matter - CBS News
"The bloc's expansion raises the question of potential de-dollarization, a process by which members would gradually switch to using currencies other than the US dollar to conduct trade.  The BRICS countries have also been talking about a common currency..."
BRICS: Saudi Arabia, UAE and Iran among six countries invited to join group | CNN Business
Dr. Barry Awe and BRICS:
Dr. Barry Awe has said that he thinks the ten nation empire in The Revelation could be BRICS.  There are five members now - Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.  Six more are set to join in 2024.  But these will have to accept the invitation...all may not.  BRICS would need ten countries at some be the possible 'ten nation alliance' in Daniel/The Revelation.  (I believe he talks about this in this video with Aaron -
(209) Discussing Rapture Dates & The Season While Tackling Date Setting - YouTube
run time 1:04:36
The Ten Horns:
"The ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.   These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast....These shall make war with the Lamb and the Lamb shall overcome them." Revelation 17:12 - 13.
The ten horns are ten kings - so this little horn is he who satan gives great power and authority.  He doesn't actually have a kingdom - he's different, he's a little horn.
BRICS will certainly become more and more powerful as more members are added - especially the oil producing ME countries. 
The prophet Daniel also tells about a beast that has ten horns.  A little horn rises up and three of the first horns are "plucked out"/"uprooted before it".  Daniel 7:8.  This little horn is the AC.  And we don't know who plucks the three horns out or why or when exactly.  Some eschatology teachers believe that the AC pushes out these three kings. Or could it be by war - maybe the Gog war?
This 'alliance of kings' "make war with the Lamb and the Lamb will overcome them."  Rev. 17:14  Will this war be with the seven kings (minus the three) of Daniel?  In The Revelation we are told about the final big battle - the battle of Armageddon.   "And they gathered "them" (some translations have "the kings" together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon."  Revelation 16:16.  The only kings in The Revelation are in that initial alliance that the AC takes over.  Will there be only seven left at the end of the Tribulation to take part in this war?
There will be a ten nation empire when the AC arrives on the scene.  Three of the ten will somehow be removed from the group - The Revelation does not mention three kings being taken out of the group.  Could these three be removed during the Gog War? (IF the Gog War is right before or during the start of the Tribulation.)  
Some Speculation:
Since the Revelation does not mention a seven nation empire with the AC in charge.  But Daniel does.  I'd like to speculate, IF BRIXS is going to be that ten nation alliance like Dr. Barry Awe suggests:
These are the 5 members now:  Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa
Here are the six potentially new members:  Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Egypt and Ethiopia
Which countries will be in the Gog War?  Iran (Persia), Russia (Magog), Turkey (Togarmah), Libya (Put), Cush (Ethiopia), Germany (Gomer).....these seem to be the popular candidates....
What Countries Are Gog and Magog in the End Times? | Preach It, Teach ItAsk Roger Detail | Preach It, Teach It
(Germany right now doesn't seem possible to me. ??)
Anyway - IF the Gog war is right at the start of the Tribulation - then which of these countries that come against Israel might be in BRICS at the time of the Gog war?  Russia, Iran, Ethiopia. That could be the three plucked out - if a war severely damages them.  Would that "take them out of" being kings in BRICS?  Not all of the BRICS countries go to war with Israel - but these three could possibly be THE three.  (Then the AC could step in and set up his HQ in Jerusalem.)
Just some thoughts for now...
We may be gone/Raptured before this ten nation alliance comes about. It may form after the Rapture too.  We do not know the time gap between the Rapture and the start of the Tribulation.  It does not have to be 'Rapture immediately followed by start of the Tribulation'.  There could be a gap of days, weeks, months. (?) 
Dr. Barry Awe may be correct - as of right now - there are no other 'alliances' gaining such power.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!