Chance (27 Aug 2023)
"More Information on Maui from J.D. Farag and Jack Hibbs"

Hello John and Doves,
J.D. Farag and Jack Hibbs have talked about Maui and the fires in recent updates.  Here's some links to their videos:
J.D. Farag has talked about the fires on Maui.  And he brought up directed energy weapons.  And this part of his last prophecy update that has now gone viral!  I had a friend send this to me who does not know who J.D. is.  So this is getting out there.  It's very short.

Here's the whole update on 2023-08-20
Bible Prophecy
run time 1:12:18
Jack Hibbs talked about 183 bodies washed up on Lanai - people who died trying to escape the fires by jumping into the ocean.  This is not being reported in the news.  800 people as of today still missing.  And many hundreds of bodies are refrigerated that need DNA matching to identify.  They are expecting the death toll to reach 2,000.
Maui Fire - 183 bodies have washed up on Lanai.
run time 00:06
I heard a woman with a youtube channel who lives on Maui talk about seeing cell phone pictures that survivors of the fire had taken of bodies in the water and she also talked about bodies washing up on the shores of Maui and Lanai, yet the "official" death toll did not reflect this.  And they are not reporting these bodies.
This is much, much worse than we are being told.  There appears to be a media blackout going on.  And a cover up.
Prayer for the survivors on Maui.  Prayers for blessings to fall on those people helping them.
Prayers for protection for the survivors from those who would still do them harm.