Chance (27 Aug 2023)
""God A Minute - Iris Scan/Iris Implant" and Digital ID System vs Mark of the Beast"

Hello John and Doves,
A couple of weeks ago I watched this youtube video on God A Minute channel with Aaron and Dr. Awe. 
(208) Discussing Rapture Dates & The Season While Tackling Date Setting - YouTube
At about 53:40 they start talking about the 'mark of the beast' - how they think it's not 'forehead' as such, but the eye - like some sort of eye scan/eye chip.  To interact with computers...
Dr. Awe added that this could go along with the verse "Wherefore if thy hand or they foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee:  it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.  And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee:  it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire."  Matthew 18:8-9.  The mark of the Beast in the forehead or on the right hand leads to the soul being cast into hell.
Maybe these verses do have something to do with the mark:  "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:"  Revelation 13:16
In the Greek, "forehead" is "metopon"; from meta meaning "eye"
Strong's Greek: 3359. μέτωπον (metópon) -- the forehead
And Facebook recently changed their name to "Meta"  I think that is short for "metaverse" - "the next evolution of social connection."
Welcome to Meta | Meta
"The light of the body is the eye; if therefore your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But is your eye is evil, your whole body will be full of darkness.  If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"  Matthew 6:24-23
So I can see the devil using the eye for something evil in man.
Then we've got the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation telling us that "Digital IDs are an effective tool against poverty."    "If a person cannot prove who they are, can they take advantage of all of the opportunities society has to offer?"....."Proof of identity enables people to fully participate in the economy.  It eases access to employment and education as well as services such as banking, government programs and health care."
"Fortunately, a formidable solution has emerged: an open-source, customizable digital ID system called Modular Open Source Identity Platform (MOSIP) that is available to all countries for free."  So far, over 90 million people are registered with MOSIP - Philippines, Ethiopia and Morocco.
This Digital ID System is "one of three pillars of what's known as digital public infrastructure (DPI).  The other two pillars are a digital payment system and a data exchange system.  DPI can "help low- and middle-income countries leapfrog traditional stages of development, lift millions out of poverty, and spur economic growth."  People will need a digital ID to use "digital bank accounts and instant payments" and to use "mobile phone accounts and personal data management."
You'll need a digital ID to have a cell phone.  To have a bank account.  That's coming.
"MOSIP alone does not do it all - for the system to be fully functional, governments also need BIOMETRIC device vendors, duplication software providers, card or credential printing machines and system integrators, which require additional investment.
How Digital IDs Can Reduce Poverty | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The above article refers to the Indian system:  Aadhaar
India has a system (Aadhaar) they started in 2009 to give every citizen a "unique biometrially-verifiable identification number.  These biometrics (iris scan and fingerprint records) would be linked to a person's Aadhaar number, which would in turn be used in all interactions with the state - weeding out fraud, making taxation more efficient, and ultimately saving money, the government said....Today, 1.2 billion Indians - including over 99% of the adult population - are enrolled."  Complaints of the system include "...near impossible in India to buy a cellphone contract or open a bank account..without providing an Aadhaar number."  (A Supreme Court ruling changed this so that private companies "could no longer require users to provide their Aadhaar details as a condition of service.)  The Court said that "Aadhaar gives dignity to the marganilized...Dignity to the marginalized outweighs privacy."  
India's program involves having a 12 digit ID number - connected to fingerprints and iris scans.  Every person enrolled has an ID card that matches up with their data in a biometric database.  It is required as proof of identify to get Social Services and Welfare Payments.  Banks, e-wallet providers, insurance companies all use the Aadhaar card through use of a fingerprint machine or iris scan machine.  There are some listed downsides to this system in the article - one big one is 'leaks' of data and, of course, this becomes a surveillance system.
What to Know About Aadhaar, India's Biometric Identity System | Time
They are hoping "that the system will register 1 billion people over the next decade."  That's far short of the 8 billion people in the world now.  But according to what we are told there is going to be a great population reduction going on all through the Tribulation Period.  And to get 1 billion people registered during 'normal' times will be a lot easier than during the Tribulation time.
"The first reference (in Revelation) indicates that 25% of the world's population will die.  The second mentions that 33% of the remaining population will die.  That means over 50% of the world's population will die..." 
During tribulation, how many people will survive
At today's number of 8 billion - that's 4 billion left.  And then there's continued woes, continued deaths through the rest of the Tribulation.  Adding in those who are beheaded. 
So about one out of every two people will die during the Tribulation.
The Tribulation and End Times Explained
This 'death' will cut down on the number of people who will get a digital ID.  Maybe they'll only need to mark 1 billion.
Information on Iris Scans:
There are many iris scanner manufacturers out there.  This biometric ID method can be used by  CCTV cameras, smartphones, etc.  "According to the theory of probability, in the entire history of mankind, there have not yet been two people with the same iris....It is impossible to find two completely identical patterns of the eye's iris, even in twins.  Glasses and contact lenses, even colored ones, will not affect the imaging process in any way.  It should also be noted that the performed operations on the eyes, removal of cataracts or implantation of coroneal implants do not change the iris's characteristics; it can not be altered or modified.  A blind person can also be identified using the iris of their eye.  As long as the eye has an iris, its host can be identified."  The camera process is not a scan but an image or photograph.  "The iris' texture resembles a network with many surrounding circles and patterns that can be measured by a computer.  Iris scanning software uses about 260 anchor points to create a sample.  In comparison, the best fingerprint recognition identification systems use 60-70 points."
"All that such a recognition system needs to verify a person is a snapshot of his iris.  Therefore to launch this scenario, each person must go through one-time photographing of their eyes."  Standard lighting and invisible infrared is used- "Infrared light in the iris scan helps to recognize the unique pattern of darker eyes more accurately.  "These two digital photograph...are then subjected to computer analysis...and highlights 240 features in iris patterns..."  Unique characteristics for each eye "are converted into a simple, digital number consisting of 512 digits (also called an iris code) which are stored in the computer database along with your name and other details.
Iris Scanner: How It Works | Eye Scan Technology Overview | RecFaces

Sounds like a very easy process with the right technical tools.  People alive during the Tribulation and the 'marking' time will have two choices:  take the mark in the right hand (possibly a fingerprint) or forehead (possibly an iris scan/iris implant?) or be killed.  
Going along with what Dr. Awe said in the God A Minute video -if  the forehead could be eye - for an iris scan, why couldn't the hand be finger for the fingerprint?  Just a thought.
Dr. Awe in the video noted that the skin on the forehead is relatively thin - putting a chip there would be noticeable (I suppose some people wouldn't want a bump on their forehead) - so he's suggested some sort of chip in the eye or some sort of scan of the eye.  We already have the iris scan and finger print collections going now in several countries - being connected for identity.
Personally, I lean towards some sort of physical 'mark' - some sort of tattoo or implant because all the people with this mark get grievous sores.  An iris scan or fingerprint wouldn't result in grievous sores - - it's probably more than a 'scan' or print or photograph.
But iris scans/fingerprints are growing in popularity for IDs, CBDC, etc.
Just a few thoughts for now...
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!