Hello John and Doves,Bill Gates, George Soros, and the European Union think it's a good idea to block light from the sun to lower the temperature on Earth. This is called "solar geoengineering." This is absolutely insane. I thought, according to them, that MAN was causing the Earth's temperature rise, not the sun, not underwater volcanoes, not "mother nature", etc. Looks like they want to come after us and our atmosphere!They are looking to see if "deflecting the Sun's rays or changing the Earth's weather patterns are viable options for "fighting climate change." One way would be "pumping manmade white clouds into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight away from the planet's surface." Bill Gates wants to increase "aerosol concentrations in the stratosphere to reflect solar radiation away from the Earth."
EU Backs Bill Gates' Plan to 'Fight Global Warming' by Blocking the Sun - Slay News
So how do they plan to "change the Earth's weather patterns"? They could totally unbalance the whole delicate nature of Earth. And turn the Earth's breadbasket areas to wastelands! Some believe they are already controlling and changing weather - at least some of it.Numerous climatologists have called 'global warming' and 'global emergency' a bunch of bunk. Their research shows that man is not having any effect on the temperature of the Earth. These 'climate activists' like Gates/Soros know this - maybe that's why they want to go after the sun now!Others have pointed out the risks too: "...deploying solar geoengineering tech could backfire, potentially catastrophically. "The risks of solar geoengineering are poorly understood and can never be fully known, the scholars say. "Impacts will vary across regions, and there are uncertainties about the effects on weather patterns, agriculture, and the provision of basic needs of food and water."
Solar Geoengineering: Why Bill Gates Wants It, But These Experts Want To Stop ItAlso, scientists say this geoengineering of the atmosphere could result in a monsoon that could cause a disaster for many people. Also, "adding clouds to the atmosphere can increase the brightening of the night sky by as much as 25 percent."
Geoengineering Earth's Atmosphere: How It Could Affect Astronomy | Space
This brings to my mind the verse in The Revelation about the sun being given power to scorch men...I could see this 'technology' backfiring - or maybe this is their plan - and creating devastating heating of the Earth instead. The sun could scorch men if it' increased its solar output or our atmosphere changes, gets thinner, or.....Something happens to the weather during the Tribulation: For those who die/are beheaded during the Tribulation - "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun the sun strike them, nor any scorching heat." Revelation 7:16 Exactly what the naysayers have pointed out. Solar geoengineering could backfire - causing heat waves, less rain - more hunger, less water, etc Just too hot!Gates and Soros could cause the atmosphere to no longer protect us from the sun - resulting in the evaporating of the water, and/or no rain, heating up the ground, scorching men.... no more crops/gardens/vegetation, no more rain, only scorching heat. Nothing to drink or eat - only the sun beating down.IF they go forward with this...this just might snowball right into the Tribulation - where the sun is given power to scorch men. Due to what these evil people do. "The fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun, and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire."Maybe some of this is brought on or started by the stupidity and evil of some men.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance