Chance (13 Aug 2023)
"Hot Topics"

Hello John and Doves,
Lots of hot topics covered in this last weeks "Messianic World Update" with Monte Judah:
"There are rumors that military coup is being planned in Israel.  Iran is now moving anti-ship missiles and drones to threaten other ships in the straits.  Iran is urging Hezbollah in Lebanon to continue provocations against Israel's northern border.  The UN Security Council will vote later this month on extending the UNIFIL peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon and the US is now negotiating with Iran for a prisoner exchange including the release of $6 billion to Iran.  Poland is moving thousands of troops to the border with Belarus."
(195) Messianic World Update | Possible Military Coup in Israel & more - YouTube
run time 15:03
Reservist protest over judicial reform is hurting the Israeli army naval branch and the Israeli Air Force.  "...a growing number of air force reservists say they won't report for duty in protest of the Netanyahu government's ongoing efforts to weaken the judicial system."  Will the Israeli' military be ready for a war when it comes?
Netanyahu’s Judicial Coup | Israel Air Force Commander: Damage to IAF’s Operational Readiness Due to Reservists’ Protests ‘Deepening’ - Israel News -
"Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant issued a grim warning to Iran's proxy in Lebanon, the Hezbollah terrorist group, "not to make a mistake."  He said, "If God forbid an escalation or conflict develops here, we will send Lebanon back to the Stone Age.  We will not hesitate to use all our power and flatten every inch of Hezbollah and Lebanon if we have to." 
Gallant Warns Hezbollah: Make No Mistake. We Will Send Lebanon Back to the Stone Age | The Jewish Press - | Hana Levi Julian | 22 Av 5783 – August 8, 2023 |
As for the UNIFIL, Israeli Brig-Gen Effi Dafrin is flying to the U.S. next week - he is "expected to express Israel's dissatisfaction with UNIFIL's inactivity regarding the violation of Israel's sorvereignty" by Hezbollah/Iran.
Hezbollah no longer manning tent in Israeli territory 24/7
The Biden deal with Iran is for Iran to release 5 Americans in exchange for $6 billion impounded in South Korea to be moved to a bank in Qatar - and the money is to be used for food, medicine, etc.  Iran says it's up to them as to what the money will be used for.   Opponents to this deal see this as a "ransom payment" that will 'strengthen Iran's ability to suppress its people and fund hostile operations overseas.'  This would be the largest ransom payment in American history.  And to one of the worst countries for sponsoring terrorism.  
Iran Warns it May Defy Biden’s Prisoner Exchange Terms
"Poland is planning to move around 10,000 troops to its eastern border with Belarus amid mounting concerns over Wagner forces in the region."
Poland plans to move around 10,000 troops to border with Belarus
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!