Chance (13 Aug 2023)
"The Month of Elul"

Hello John and Doves,
The month of Elul is the sixth month of the Jewish religious calendar. The month starts on August 17 sunset to August 18 sunset - 1 Elul.   On the chabad/torah calendar.
The astral sign of Elul is the sign of betulah ("virgin").  Elul is the month of the bride.  (Which reminds me of The Parable of the Ten Virgins.)
The new moon is August 16 at 12:38 pm Jerusalem.
Moon Phases 2023 – Lunar Calendar for Jerusalem, Israel
The sliver of the new moon will probably be seen 24 to 48 hours later.
22 Elul is the First Fruits of New Oil. Sept 7/8 on the chabad/torah calendars.
There is a rare super blue moon August 30-31.  (The last super blue moon was December 2009.) 
And the Perseid meteor shower will finish up around August 24.
The month ends on 29 Elul (Sept 14/15) - the eve of Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets as the next month of Tishrei begins, September 15/16.
Back in 2020, Pastor Dana Coverstone was on the Jim Bakker Show with Mondo De La Vega:   Dana reported on a dream he had about the calendar month of September - he did not give a year with the month.
(195) A Word For September 2020 - Pastor Dana Coverstone - YouTube
run time 7:50
Near the end of this dream Dana says he saw the Heavens open and he saw the Lord with His angels; and the Lord said "Arise My bride, arise My bride and prepare to pray.  Arise My bride, arise My bride and prepare for battle.  And last He said "Arise My bride, arise My bride and prepare to see My face for I am coming soon and My reward is with Me"; he then hears the sound of a thousand shofars being blown all at once.  He awoke after this.
Pastor Dana thinks battles are coming.  He also said that the Lord only calls us His bride when He's ready to come get us.  He says he is not setting a date for the return of the Lord.  He says the Lord is waking the church up.
"Throughout the month, at the close of the weekday morning prayers, the shofar sounds its call to teshuvah (repentance), urging us to ready ourselves for the divine coronation and universal day of judgment on Rosh Hashanah..." 
Thirteen Attributes of Mercy: an Elul Anthology - - Magazine
"It is customary (during the month of Elul) to blow the shofar every morning (except on Shabbat) from Rosh Hodesh Elul (the first day of the month) until the day before Rosh Hosahanah....Many Jews also visit the graves of loved one throughout the month in order to remember and honor those people..."
Elul - Wikipedia
So the shofar is silent on the last day of Elul - so the "last trump" of Elul would be 28, Sept 13/14
"..the custom of blowing the shofar is a wake-up call to sleepers..."  'Sleepers' reminds me of 'those who sleep' - are dead.  1 Corinthians 15:51 "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed."
"...the Hebrew letters that make the word "Elul", aleph, lamed, vav and lamed are an acronym for the phrase (from the biblical Song of Songs) ani l'dodi v'dodi li, which mean "I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me."...which represents our relationship with our Creator, which is often paralleled to that of a husband and wife, a bride and groom..."
"The Zohar explains that at the beginning of Elul we are 'achor el achor', meaning "back to back", and by the end of Elul we are 'panim el panim', "face to face."  "...this is the month in which - "the King is in the field"...Is it not the month when G-d is more accessible than ever, when He is waiting for us to greet Him, when He is there for us in the "field" of our everyday lives?"
The Jewish Heart - The Secret of Elul -

"The King is in the field" denotes the harvest.  Maybe the 'harvest' of dead and living Believers at the 'last trump'? 
Elul means harvest. It "originated from the Akkadian word for "harvest".
run time 8:12
"The expression, "no man knows the Day or the Hour" was a Hebrew idiom telling those who understood, the very day He was coming back on."  "The Day and Hour no man knows' was a riddle, not a command."
The Vine -
Is it possible that Believers will know the day of the Rapture?  I believe so.  We are told to watch.  It's not a random order - it's a command from Jesus - it's for a specific day.  I believe that day will be revealed.  We are watching for IT.
Being watchful is "to stand guard", "be awake", "pay attention", "lie in wait", "be intent, have eager desire, be devoted to", "keep ready, be prepared".  Jesus commanded us to Watch For Him.
The fruition of watchfulness revealed in the bride | Elul 22: start Feast of New Oil or ‘Pentecost fully come’ – Sabine Shares
Elul contains several 'interesting possibilities' for the Rapture.  The new moon, 1 Elul; the Festival of New Oil, 22 Elul; the last trump of Elul, 28 Elul.
Dr. Awe and Aaron also have this interesting video of encouragement:
run time 1:04:06
One day we will meet Him face to face.  After the harvest of the dead and living Believers.
"Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching.  Luke 12:37
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!