Chance (13 Aug 2023)
"Russia, China, North Korea - Militaries Are Preparing"

Hello John and Doves,
Things keep moving along....
China and Russia sent a large naval patrol near Alaska.  This is being called a "historic first".  Four U.S. destroyers and a Poseidon showed up to 'chase' them off.  This China/Russia drill was for communications training, helicopter landings and takeoffs from the deck of ships and joint anti-submarine exercise with mock target detection and destruction.
Beijing let the U.S. know that this naval exercise is just the beginning....
China Signals Recent Patrols Near Alaska Are Only the Beginning | World Report | U.S. News
Nikki Haley recently twitted that "The Communist Party's end game is clear.  China is preparing its people fro war.  President Xi has openly said it.  We should take him at his word and act accordingly.  Instead, President Biden continues to dither."
Nikki Haley on Twitter: "The Communist Party’s end game is clear. China is preparing its people for war. President Xi has openly said it. We should take him at his word and act accordingly. Instead, President Biden continues to dither. #HaleyAtAEI" / X
Gordon Chang said the same thing back in February:  Xi Jinping is preparing for war.  "He is trying to sanction proof his regime and he is mobilizing Chinese civilians for war."
There are reports that the CCP has announced recent plans to conduct targeted exercises. And Russia may resume military nuclear tests in the Arctic.  Russia's Northern Fleet is conducting massive military exercises there - 20 plus ships and more than 8,000 troops
In this August 10 article, "China sent navy ships and a large group of fighter jets toward Taiwan, continuing its military pressure on the island.
China sends 6 navy ships, 33 fighter jets toward Taiwan in new show of force | Fox News
Biden's 'dithering' is totally explainable if one recognizes his 'affiliation' to Xi.
So what would a nuclear war between, say Russia and the U.S. look like?  This webiste has a video of just such a scenario - an interdisciplinary group of scientists" produced "the most scientifically realistic simulation of a nuclear war using only unclassified data"; and they visualized it as a video.  "It combines detailed modeling of nuclear targeting, missile trajectories, blasts and the electromagnetic pulse and of how black carbon smoke is produced, lofted and spread across the globe, altering the climate and causing mass starvation."  Video run time: 4:09
Here's How Bad a Nuclear War Would Actually Be | Time
I've been told that tactical nukes wouldn't be as devastating for the planet and there would not be a "nuclear winter" as depicted in this video.  Nuclear War could be 'relatively contained' all the way to global destruction - but that isn't prophesied.  So I'm going with tactical nukes - if it comes to nuclear weapon use.  Judgement on America could involved tactical nukes.  (Zechariah 14 describes a terrible weapon used against the people - "it is the plague with which the Lord strikes all the people who have fought against Jerusalem:  Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet and their eyes shall consume away in their holes and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.")
And then add North Korea into the mix.
Shortly after Russian Defense Minister Shoigu met with Kim Jong Un, (July 27): Kim started rearranging his military leaders - he sacked his top general and told his military to prepare for an "offensive" war.  He dismissed/transferred/newly appointed some leading commanding officers. "No reasons were given for the military reshuffle."
Kim Jong Un fires top military brass, orders troops to prepare for ‘offensive’ war
"North Korean lead Kim Jong-Un has dismissed his top general and demanded the military expand the combat capabilities of front-line units and step up its plans for a possible war...He called the the country's munitions industry to step up mass production of various weapons and systems and for the military to actively conduct "actual war drills" to digest those systems and enhance its war-fighting capabilities..."
Kim Jong-un orders North Korea’s military to strengthen war plans
Watchwoman 65 covers this: The U.S. and South Korea joint military drill is scheduled for this August and Biden is having a summit at Camp David on August 18 with Japanese PM Fumio and SK President Suk Yeol.  Kim isn't liking this very much.  The Russian Defense Minister Shoigu met with North Koreans end of August.  Then Kim started moving and removing generals/military leaders.  Sides are lining up. 
Watchwoman thinks they are preparing for something - that something is about to happen.
run time 9:13
Gordon Chang commented on the Taiwanese Vice President's upcoming visit to the U.S. - Chang said there will be extreme Chinese 'provocative behavior' over this visit and he can't "rule out the possibility of going to war from an incident relating to" this visit.  Also China's economy is faltering...severely.  This could make "China more likely to engage in belligerent and provocative behavior because Xi Jinping the Chinese ruler is being blamed for the Chinese economy....Xi understands that his only way out is to rally the Chinese people with a conflict.  I think that it means that war is more likely because of the problems with the Chinese economy."
Gordon Chang: China's Reaction To Upcoming U.S. Visit By Taiwanese VP Could Unintentionally Result In War | Video | RealClearPolitics
The Taiwan VP Lai has departed on a 7 day trip to the U.S./Paraguay.  The U.S. is attempting to "avoid triggering any overreaction from Beijing."   And the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is to visit Washington in September.
Taiwan Vice President Departs on Trip China Opposed
One can say the same thing for the Biden administration - as things continue to unravel for Biden, Hunter, the Democrats...and Trump continues to rise in the polls...a major distraction is a good cover
Lots of big meetings coming up that can affect the status quo with Japan, SK, NK, Taiwan, China, etc..
So many hot spots - all very fluid.  Anything can happen.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!