Bob Ware (27 Aug 2023)
"‘HARPAZO’ and Rapture Number linked to the Last Day of 5783 on 15 September 2023"


Revelation 22:13: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” KJV


The gematria sum of the last three words of Genesis 1:1 ('heaven and earth') is 1098. 1098 is the average number of days served by the four assassinated Presidents. Lincoln was the first assassinated President. He served 1503 days. JFK was the fourth and last assassinated President. He served 1036 days. 1503 plus 1036 equals: 2539 days. The 2539th day of this current 305th Jewish 19-year calendar cycle ends at sunset on 15 September 2023. Sunset of 15 September 2023 ends the last day of the Jewish year 5783 and it begins the first day of 5784.


The attached diagram is a circle where the sum of the diameter (613) plus the circumference (1926) equals the 2539 days. In the attached diagram each unit of measurement is equal to the passing of a single day on Earth.


613 is the 113th prime number when you include Unity. 113 plus 613 equals 726 - Strong’s Greek roster number for ‘HARPAZO’. 113 x Pi equals 354.999969 which rounds off to 355. The 355th and last day of 5783 ends at sunset on 15 September 2023.


The 1926 circumference of the circle is marked off by 18 arcs of exactly 20 degrees. Each arc has a length of 107 units/days. 107 is the rapture number.


I began counting the days starting with the first day of the current 305th Jewish calendar cycle at the bottom of the circle and preceding up the vertical diameter line. After two steps of 153 days I next came to the center date of the circle: 5 August 2017. That was 7957 days after the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 became a public law of the United States passed by the 104th Congress on the 23rd of October 1995. There are 7957 verses in the New Testament. 153 plus 107 equals the 260 chapters in the New Testament.


Continuing up the diameter line another two steps of 153 days took me to the 7th of June 2018 where I began counting off the days around the circumference. The 7th of June 2018 was the 51st anniversary of the third day of the Six Day war when Israel took control of the eastern Holy sites of Jerusalem.


The circle’s circumference ends on the 15th of September 2023 when the last day of 5783 ends at sunset. The 15th of September 2023 plus another step of 107 days will be the 31st of December - the last day of 2023. 99 is the gematria of the last word in the Bible - ‘Amen’. The 31st of December 2023 plus 99 days will be the 8th of April 2024 - the date of the total solar eclipse across the United States. An odd personal coincidence (?): from the date of my birth to the 8th of April 2024 solar eclipse will be 260 steps of 107 days.