1 Cor 10:31 (27 Aug 2023)
"* In a pickle!"

By 1 Cor 10:31


Hi Doves,

Some of you may remember me.  I used to post somewhat regularly.  I still read.  Just don’t post (“various reasons”).


But now I come before you to humbly ask for prayers [from any real Christian brothers & sisters in the Lord] regarding my husband’s health.  He’s had dire abdominal pains for over a month.  Abdominal pain.  Ongoing burning.  Touchy…. Sensitive area.  He’s also got diabetic neuropathy.

But this stomach pain started AFTER he started going to 2 different doctors “for help” in getting healthier!!  /sighs!....


Okay so finally I insisted he get to ER last Friday night.  Cat scan only showed he’s got some liver “cysts”  (don’t worry, the doc said actually he sees many cases each week – they’re quite common.)   But nothing else showed up, no bowel obstruction, liver enzymes were fine, and gallbladder appeared okay as well.


Now granted, his blood sugar number was THROUGH THE ROOF!!!!   His own fault.  He’d snub his nose to any well-meaning wifely suggestions & come home with his VENTI  (meaning largest)  Starbucks fraps a couple times a week – on top of ALL the other sugar & garbage he gulped down.   Plus, though he absolutely loved the taste of a certain big box store brand yogurt – I warned him repeatedly about the CARRAGEENAN in it – it’s a KNOWN gut inflamer!!!!   Nearly killed our dog about 5 years ago when the dog was “bleeding profusely out BOTH ends”!!!!!   After that episode, I searched online like a mad woman & came to realize just how awfully corrosive carrageenan is!!!!!


So, I lovingly warned Husband multiple times.  Again he snubbed his nose at the notion & kept eating it….. DAILY!!!!   Thinking – regardless of studies or what I said, he would be exempt!!!  That it wouldn’t catch up with him……. WELL IT HAS!!!!!!!    Sadly. 


And I’m not a happy camper b/c this is affecting us both.  I wrestle with being (at least a little)  bitter (that he likely brought this on himself), confused, overwhelmed, (you would not believe how people act when you’re needing help!  Some scatter, some merely pray, a ton offer unwanted, unsolicited advice, some drive you batty as hades…..) so I’m dealing with all this – plus thrown into full time caregiver (again)….. which if you’ve ever been there, done that—trust me, you don’t even take time out to nutritiously feed yourself, much less do anything fun or half way enjoyable for yourself….. and then too, the (sometimes human) worries which can besiege of “am I going to be left alone in this world”……

Mostly now, I’m not so worried about his dying, as I just hope for his sake (and mine) the Lord will FIX him!!  Or send us to the right health coach…… I absolutely disdain the type of doctors who it’s always their way or the highway, because I simply do not agree with a “one size fits all approach”!!


And if anyone has that question floating around in your minds – no we did not take the clot shot.


I went from spending time in the hospital with my husband last weekend, wondering if he might be down to his last days – to going through so many other “possibilities” in my mind over the past week.   Cancer?  H Pylori?   Ulcer/s?  Hernia?   Certain foods make him worse, (indicative of ulcer)  but what really hurts is when he bends forward which leads me to believe it could be a really bad hernia.


Plus his chiropractor has had him using a vibration machine for the past month + for his feet neuropathy …… which we wonder if THAT could have brought on all this.  (?)


At any rate, we’ve been together for a number of years, 2/3 of my entire lifetime.  And I surely would like for us to be raptured TOGETHER!!!!!!


If it comes to mind, please offer a prayer to Heaven for us??  For healing (would be my preference of course!).


Meanwhile – for anyone who may recall my previous posts….. all that “mess” continues on in my own life.  I’ve prayed so often asking the Lord to release me from this evil!!   Please do not accuse  me of not having “enough” faith.  The Apostle Paul also pleaded with the Lord & yet the Lord did not remove his thorn in the side.


MOST OF ALL, with all my heart, I want the rapture to happen!!!!!!


Prayerfully in a month or less we’ll be beamed up to meet Jesus in the clouds!!!


Shout out to Derrick!  I see your name pop up once in a while.  I’ve not forgotten our communications!   Life just kinda’ got….. well?!!   You know!!!!


Maranatha everybody!!   And thank you!
