One thing we need to realize is that
the concept of "delay" is in our own minds. God
appointed the timing of the Rapture before He
created the world. He is perfect, and the day He
appointed long ago for the Rapture is rock solid.
Nothing that happens in this world is going to cause
Him to reschedule the Rapture date or anything thing
else He predetermined. We just tend to let our
yearning to leave cause us to desperately grasp at
anything that even remotely resembles an end time
event, and assume He intends for us to see it as a
communication from Him about exactly how near we are
to the Rapture. And most of us have been doing this
for years and even decades.
It's our own fault that we allow our
desperation and impatience to lead to our
misjudgments when it comes to Rapture timing. And we
tend to want to "blame" God for keeping us down here
when He had the perfect opportunity(s) to take us
out whenever this or that random end time event
occurs. When all the seemingly perfect times for the
Rapture come and go, we always assume He has, once
again, delayed our departure. We assume that He has
changed the pre-appointed moment of the Rapture
because things in the world aren't quite bad enough
to come rescue us.
What we should realize is that He is
not waiting on what's happening in the world to
determine when He should act. The Rapture is not a
last-minute rescue, when He sees that world events
are becoming too overwhelming for us. Rather, He has
timed the Rapture according to the effect it will
have on the world. He is orchestrating the whole
scenario exactly as He predetermined it to all come
down. NOTHING is being delayed!! It's all going
according to plan. It just seems like He keeps
delaying because of our misunderstanding and
misinterpretation of end time signs and events.
The angel told Daniel that, when the
Return of the Lord gets closer and closer, He will
shed more and more light on things so
that as we watch, we can understand more and more
how close we are. If we understood the fig tree
parable, and the length of a generation, and Shemita
cycles and Jubilees back in the 80's, we would have
realized that it was too soon for the
Rapture/Tribulation/Second Coming to begin. But now
it has become common knowledge that we are at the
end of the Fig Tree generation AND at the end of a
Shemita cycle. And it's not just coincidence that
world events and the situation in Israel and the
Middle East are like ripe figs ready to pick. 20
years ago, only a few watchers thought things were
ready for the Rapture and Tribulation to start.
Today, MOST watchers are discerning that the time
has finally come. And Jesus said that if we watch,
we (not just a few of us) will know.
Chooch is correct that the Bible
doesn't specifically say that the Tribulation has to
start at the beginning of a Shemita cycle. But it's
not just coincidence that the Trib. and a Shemita
cycle are both 7 years in length. Nor is it
coincidence that the 10th Shemita cycle since
Israel's rebirth is ending and the11th one is
beginning at the Feast of Trumpets this year. 10 is
the number for government, and 11 is the number for
judgment. Israel's governing of themselves is over
and their judgment is about to begin. It all fits
perfectly!! And the Lord is revealing to us how
perfectly it all fits together.
We just have to keep our faith in His
promise that we can and will know when He's coming.
And I am EXTREMELY confident that the Trib will
commence at the beginning of a Shemita cycle. Does
anyone of us truly believe that the Trib could
possibly begin 7 years from now? Doubt becomes
more and more tempting the closer we get to the
Feast of Trumpets, but if we let it grow., then our
remaining days down here will be unnerving to say
the least.