Paul N. F. (21 Aug 2022)


 By A. W. Tozer

 Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief.
                                                                                                 - - Hebrews 3:12

Study the life of faithful Noah and you will know what he would say if he
could come and counsel you today: "Whenever you hear God's truth,"
he would say, "you will go either in the direction you are moved, or you
just wait".

"If you wait, you will find that the next time you hear the truth, it will not
move you quite as much.  The next time, it will move you less-and the
time will come when that truth will not move you at all!"

We need that message in our generation, for there is a distressing kind of
"frozen" unbelief all around us.   Men and women are paying little heed to
any of God's warning signals.

As a farm boy, I learned the lesson of little chicks-an easy prey for hawks
overhead.  The mother hen heard the high-pitched cry of the soaring hawk
and gave her own special "cluck-cluck" of warning.  Her chicks scampered
to her side and soon she had them all tucked safely under her feathers.
Thank God, there is a true faith that is not ashamed to move in the direction
of the Ark of Safety!
Yours In Christ,
Paul N. F.