John and Doves,
Bill Gates was born on 28/10/1955.
The last day of the Feast of Trumpets is 27/9/2022.
The day gap including both dates is 24,442 days.
24,442 days = 11+11+11+11+11+11 years and 11 months.
In the Bible the number 11 stands for Antichrist.
And 2+4+4+4+2 = 8+8.
24,442 days = (11x1111)+(1111x11) days.
In my other letter today I show how there is a possible Trump countdown to 27/9/2022.
Gates' birthday syncs exactly with the centre date of the Trump countdown of 28/8/2022
but I can't see a definite day/month/year match there as it is 24411 days or 66 Y 10 M or 802 M.
24,411 = 3x79x103
BILL GATES III = 666 in the ASCII codes
B = 66, I = 73, L = 76, L = 76, G = 71, A = 65, T = 84, E = 69, S = 83, I = 1, I = 1, I = 1,
66+73+76+76+71+65+84+69+83+1+1+1 = 666.
Keep looking up!