Patty Hayes (28 Aug 2022)
"News from Patty's "war room" a.k.a., prayer closet"

Hi to all!  It's been an adventure to say the least, since just before my last visit to Bakersfield to see those friends like family.  The previous visit was physically hard on my body and knowing that, I knew this one would be that much harder.  It was.  My speech was severely impacted and by the time I got home, my body was more than exhausted making it hard to speak and even more, difficult to get out of bed.  I had grown so very weak and found myself losing some blood from my bladder, and spending 5 days in the hospital with congestive heart failure. I was placed on diuretics, aspirin and finally antibiotics as my left leg has become infected.  Last week it had grown to a smokey color, then extreme red on top and greenish around the ankle while my toes growing dark below the knee.  

I was given a B12 shot as I nearly collapsed on my left side due to just being weak.  I am on my bed more than off of it.  Activity is a challenge but I do what I can in increments.  I choose what to do and then lay down once it is done for a while.  Sitting is okay but need to watch my left leg and keep elevated.  I go in and out of good to bad speech.  Any activity can affect it.  I can think and type well.  I am trying hard to read my Bible and find if read out loud is helpful as my eyes can bunch up the words and make it harder to read.

My cousin in Illinois reads once a week to me and it is a delightful time as her injuries create for her compassion and understanding as well being somewhat challenged in reading as well.  She is a real trooper!!!  I am happy she is able to do this for me as it provides that human interaction rather than AI or artificial means.  She will ask me questions and challenges my thinking as I also have some brain fog.  

Well, to add to Parkinson's Disease, TIA's, Seizures, rocking back and forth from Parkinson's which can tire me out, Hallucinations, (PD), Lipedema, former cancer of Thyroid and right breast, bladder bleed, brain fog, Arterial/atherosclerosis throughout my body and brain, general weakness, and infection of my leg, I think that should be 'nuff, don't you? 

I do have humoritis, that is much humor still and love of my Savior and Lord.  I do appreciate your prayers much!  Thank you!
