August 27, 2022
Scenario for the Coming Rapture of the Church
Remember the post saying the rapture would be near a national holiday such as Memorial Day, July 4th or Labor Day? Well, let's look at Labor Day.
It comes, this year on September 5, a Monday. So, Chaarity's “5, 6, 7 JESUS” comes this year associated with Labor Day. September 8th is on a THURSDAY. Brother Charles was adamant about the rapture to be on some Thursday. He just didn't know which one. JESUS day, that is the 8th day is in the count. It is also associated with 5, 6, 7 SLAM, remember? Angela's “5, 6, 7 SLAM”, the day the door slams shut against a wicked world? SLAM also occurs on the same September 8th THURSDAY.
According to John 4:35, the harvest (of souls) may be 120 days, or 4 months. So, counting from September 8th exactly 120 days forward lands on January 6th, 2023, CHRISTMAS DAY ON THE JULIAN CALENDAR, and the day the oldest churches in the world, the Greek and Eastern Orthodox, celebrate Christmas. It translates on the Gregorian Calendar to December 25, Christmas Day. There are 12 days between the two Christmases, called the 12 days of Christmas. I think the great harvest may begin September 8th, the day we may also be raptured and the left behind Christians (Laodicea) changed. If so, September 1/2 may give us the 7 days alert. And, if so, what may we be looking for? Something major like the activation of the Emergency Broadcast System, the roll out of the new money system, and the removal of Joe Biden, and the collapse of the deep state cabal in America, or a nuclear event?
The return of anti christ may come now but more likely in my opinion, 120 days later, after the great soul harvest. And as is typical of our God, He waits until the last moment to do His mighty works so that He alone, receives the glory.
Within the 120 days, consider what may occur. The Laodicea Christians will all have a new body with which to carry the Gospel to the world. The sign of Tammuz, on the winter solstice will occur leading to Gregorian Christmas Day. And the rise of the anti christ would, by this reckoning occur on December 25. If that is the case, then 1,260 days later lands on June 4/5, the anniversary of the onset of the six day war in Israel. Add 30 days more per Daniel 12 to arrive at July 4, 2026, the anniversary of the U. S. A. And add 45 more days to arrive at August 18/19, 2036 as the entry day into the Kingdom of 1,000 years.
But, sadly, great America will probably be gone, I think on April 8, 2024, as the solar eclipse completes the “x” over the very center of the country. So very sad, but it appears that God has judged America based on multiple messages given to God's messengers.
Gerry Almond