Gerry Almond (14 Aug 2022)

August 14, 2022

The time is growing short in the Gregorian year of 2022. I believe that it is time for the great harvest of souls to occur. According to at least one poll, it is believed that 80 percent of the nation of America is alert to the evils of the governments of the world. This seems to be a ripe time to approach the masses with the message of salavation as times are becoming increasingly hard to cope with.

I am simply suggesting that the great harvest of souls that is recorded to have happened in Revelation 7 will have been completed by the end of the harvest season in 2022. If this becomes the case, then when would the harvest begin and when would it end?

I first thought of Thanksgiving as the end of the harvest. Later, I realized that it could extend all the way to the last day of the Fall season. But if it is one of them, which one would most likely yield the best result?

The formula for the number of days of the magnificent harvest seem to be 120, derived from John 4:35 in which the Lord informed His disciplies while at the Samaritan well “Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh the harvest (of wheat)? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are ripe already to harvest (of barley)”. Barley is the Philadelphian Christian Church, while wheat are the souls to be reaped by the left behind at the rapture of the Laodicean Christian Church. Or so I believe.

The key may be the 4 months or 120 days above. If so, as I think is so, then the end of the harvest season, if not Thankgiving, would likely be the last day of the Fall season. And if this be so, then the rapture of the Laodicea Bride (Song of Solomon 6:12ff) would occur slightly before he winter solstice. And that date in 2022 will be December 20/21, 2022. A count back from that date would land us on August 21/22, and 7 days before that as our alert signal (if given as was given to Noah) would occur on August 14/15, 2022. That is today or tomorrow at some point in time. This is speculation, of course.

Let's look further at December 20/21 being a day of great import that may tie to the scenario to make it more possible or even probable. If so, it means that God, has once again, as before, waited until the very last minute to perform His mighty works, which He typically does, in order that He alone, gets the glory. But go with me a step farther. It also means that the antichrist may well be a copy of ancient Tammuz, the son of Nimrod and Semiramis. He may rise to be “reborn” as antichrist on Jesus birthday, December 24/25 just as Tammuz was said to have done by his mother, Semiramis. She claimed that Tammuz was killed by a wild boar on the winter solstice. He was dead for three days and nights, she claimed, and he arose from the dead on December 24/25. This verifies to me that Jesus birth occurred on December 24/25, just as the mathematics of His name indicate. Those mathematics briefly say that “And she shall bring for a son, and thou shalt call His name JESUS (888 in both Greek and Hebrew gematria): for He shall save (Savior 14 in both Greek and Hebrew gematria) His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). Here is given the formula to calculate the birth date of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is as follows:

888 x 14 days = 12,432 days total or 34.04 solar years.

12,432 – 280 days gestation period = 12,152 from birth to death or 33.27 solar years.

The event of His death occurred on a Passover. When He was 33 years of age.

Using the universtal Jewish calendar, I arrived at Passover April 3, 33 as the correct one.

Counting back 12,152 days from that date, one lands on December 25, 00.

Countng further back 280 days of gestation, one lands on March 19/20, the Spring Equinox, the date that Gabriel delivered the message to Mary, the comng mother of Jesus.

Back to Tammuz, his symbol was the egg, signifiying life, and his sign or logo was a “T”, that is a copy of the cross. He, Tammuz, was worshiped as a deity back then and antichrist will be worshiped as such now, in our times. The tower of Babel was being built to both honor and worship him.

So I now ask: What more likely or more perfect a day for antichrist to rise to power than on the same time frame as Tammuz, his forbear?

Does this mean that from December 25 through December 31 after a 7 days alert to the world, that antichrist will begin his reign on New Year's Day, January 1, 2023? If so, 1,260, or a times, time and a half time, or 42 months, or three and a half years will run to June 13/14, 2026.

My belief is that Barack Hussien Obama fits the bill of the man of sin. But, one said, he was reportedly executed at Guantanamo Bay Prison, Cuba about 3 years ago. That is true according to Gitmo records. He was executed by firing squad, but as the “fire” command was given, he wheeled around and was struck in the back of the head by the bullet meant for his heart. Satan could easily enter that body as the life force once he is cast down to earth, and that body would be Satan in person. Speculation, of course.


Gerry Almond