The three BIG PROPHECIES yet to be fulfilled, by Jesus, according to the Scriptures are :
( 1 ) The GOG-MAGOG WAR of the LORD'S VENGEANCE exclusively upon the Nation of Israel, which is also THE SIGN of the Church's pending REDEMPTION, RESURRECTION & RAPTURE.
( 2 ) The RESURRECTION & RAPTURE of His Elect Body of Christ Church, which will occur AFTER the Gog-Magog War BEGINS, and BEFORE the Great Tribulation upon the WHOLE WORLD.
( 3 ) The SECOND COMING of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, which will end the Great Tribulation upon the whole world , and THEN He will set-up His Millennial Kingdom on earth.
The following Scripture tells us that the Lord has already PRE-APPOINTED A CERTAIN DAY on which EACH of the THREE BIG PROPHECIES are to be fulfilled. The "THINGS TO COME" are the THREE BIG PROPHECIES yet to be fulfilled by Jesus , and they have EACH been MARKED BY "A SHADOW" which reveals the pre-appointed day on which EACH of the THREE BIG PROPHECIES ARE TO BE FULFILLED according to :
Colossians 2:16-17
"In respect of a HOLYDAY ( a Feast of the Lord Day ) , or of the NEW MOON , or of the SABBATH DAYS which are A SHADOW of THINGS TO COME , but the BODY IS OF CHRIST."
( 1 ) "In respect of the NEW MOON" as being THE DAY on which the Gog-Magog War WILL BEGIN upon the Nation of Israel according to :
Hosea 5:7-10
"They have dealt treacherously against the Lord, now shall a NEW MOON devour them with their portions........therefore I will pour out MY WRATH UPON THEM like water."
( 2 ) "In respect of the SABBATH DAY" as being THE DAY on which the resurrection & rapture of His Elect Body of Christ Church WILL OCCUR according to :
Hebrews 4:7&9
"Again, He limits a CERTAIN DAY...........There remains therefore a SABBATH REST to the people of God."
( 3 ) "In respect of a HOLYDAY" as being THE DAY on which the Second Coming of the Lord WILL OCCUR consider the following :
The only Feast of the Lord HOLYDAY that is yet to be fulfilled are the FALL FEASTS of the Lord beginning on the FEAST of TRUMPETS which is called the 'feast of return'.
NOTE ALSO that we are told that THE ONLY MONTH of the year in which the resurrection & rapture can occur is the Spring month of NISAN which is also APRIL according to :
John 4:35-36
"SAY NOT that there are yet four months , and then comes the harvest. Behold, lift up your eyes and look at the fields , FOR THEY ARE WHITE ALREADY TO HARVEST, and HE THAT REAPS ( Jesus ) receives wages , AND GATHERS ( raptures ) FRUIT UNTO LIFE ETERNAL."
According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !