Garry B (21 Aug 2022)

WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR ?.............

What we are waiting for is for Jesus TO OPEN THE SECOND SEAL, and release THE RED HORSE OF THE GOG-MAGOG WAR, exclusively against Israel, which is THE SIGN of our PENDING REDEMPTION and THE RESURRECTION & RAPTURE  of His Elect Body of Christ Church according to :

( Luke 21:20 ) Jesus said, "WHEN you shall see Jerusalem compassed with ARMIES ( the Gog-Magog Armies ) THEN know that THE DESOLATION THEREOF  IS NEAR."

( Luke 21:28 ) Jesus said, " WHEN these things BEGIN to come to pass, THEN look-up and lift up your heads, because YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR."

( Luke 23:29 ) Jesus said, "The DAYS ARE COMING..."

( Ezekiel 38:16 ) God said, "It shall be in the latter days that I WILL BRING THEE , O' Gog, against My land..."

( 1 Thessalonians 5:3 ) God said, "For WHEN they shall say, 'Peace and Safety', THEN sudden destruction COMES UPON THEM..."

( 1 Thessalonians 1:10 ) God said, "Wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, Jesus, which delivers us ( raptures us ) FROM THE WRATH TO COME."


We are NOW WAITING for Jesus to OPEN THE SECOND SEAL and release THE RED HORSE of THE GOG-MAGOG WAR exclusively against Israel which MUST HAPPEN  BEFORE THE RAPTURE CAN OCCUR because it is THE SIGN of our pending RAPTURE, soon to follow, according to the Scriptures. 

( Hosea 5:7 ) God said, "They ( Israel ) have dealt treacherously against the Lord , NOW SHALL A NEW MOON DEVOUR THEM with their portions."

As soon as the year 2023, Jesus may open the SECOND SEAL , and release THE RED HORSE of THE GOG-MAGOG WAR against Israel on the NEW MOON of NISAN 1, 2023 which is Thursday March 23, 2023. That is the MOST PROBABLE DATE  that Iran, and its coalition of nations that hate Israel, will attack Israel. 

According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !