Fay (28 Aug 2022)
"Chance re How many Heavens are There"


Hi Chance, John and Doves,

Chance, your detailed reply linked below. You took the baton and ran with it! Thank you. I was very taken with the testimonies given in the links you provided. Particularly Gordon Cooper's testimony about UFO's- emphasising that these unexplained sightings are 3D real. Just as Jesus' return to earth will be 3D real. With every single eye seeing it - even without high tech telescopes. But, I take your point that the Vatican telescopes with all their technology, are looking to see things first. Before ordinary humans can see what's coming. They have spent a lot of money on these observatories for good reason!

Fay, "How Many Heavens Are There" and The Coming War In Heaven (fivedoves.com)

I sent the following information to Doves quite a few years ago. My husband and I were driving away from the city lights, on our way back to our farm. Having spent the weekend in the city, we were tired and looking forward to getting home to peace and quiet. I was heavily pregnant with our first child. As the city lights faded behind us, I noticed an unusual light up among the clear, star-studded sky. It was larger than the stars and appeared to be moving in tandem with our car. In fact, it was travelling along with us - parallel to us. High up in the sky to our right hand side. A bright orb of light. I asked my husband what he thought the light was. He simply shrugged, intent with driving and getting us home. I kept watch though. The light kept on travelling parallel to us - albeit high in the sky. After around half-an-hour, the orb suddenly began hurtling down toward us. I gave a shriek and my husband slammed on the brakes. The orb of light shot down, at an incredible speed. It whooshed across our windscreen (windshield for the Americans) and disappeared into the night sky. The orb was most definitely intelligently designed and knew exactly what it was doing. It knew I was watching it. What struck me was that it remained the same size as it appeared when high in the sky. Ordinarily, an object appears bigger when in closer proximity. We sat stunned for awhile - unable to process what had just happened. I am thankful my husband was there as a witness. If I had seen this on my own, I would have been branded a fantasist.

My point is that these 'unexplained' things are real and the veil between the heavens and the earth - the different dimensions - are often thin. Going by MrMBB333's channel, these orbs of light are being see more and more now. In fact, they are now being recorded, thanks to the technology that is now available to all. Our mobile phones.

The Biblical wisdom of a generation tells us that 70 years encompasses a generation - or 80 years if given strength. Psalm 90:10. Israel is now in her 74th year - soon to enter her 75th year in September 2022. Hmmm! This gives us 5 and a bit years before the 80 year stuff kicks in. LORD Jesus told us that "This generation will by no means pass before all these things happen". Matthew 24:34. Okay - fair enough. The Christian line has always been that "this generation" that Jesus spoke of, begins in 1948/49 when modern Israel became a nation again. This leaves us only 5 or 6 years left before the 80 year marker kicks in. Yet people still attempt to squash a 7 year future tribulation into the timeline! I am flummoxed about this dogged "7 year trib" belief - which is now, pretty much, against the odds. I am also a tad dazed in the belief that a 3rd earthly Temple will be built - with the anti-Christ's permission - yet will still be called "the Holy Place" by Almighty God. As in "when you see, standing in the Holy place, the abomination of desolation etc". This defies all reality. It simply does not make any sense. The only place that can legitimately be called "holy" nowadays, is the Temple in heaven.

Almighty God is not a God of confusion. Our time is short. A zillion thank you's for your support, Chance. I truly love all your posts. Beautifully researched, written and presented. I wish I had your talent.

God's Blessings to all.