Another great video clip from Neil Oliver. He expresses it so well. I want to point out that these things have all been warned about, by Bible believing Christians, for years. Of course, said Christians were always branded conspiracy theorists. Portrayed as under-educated hicks with sub-par intelligence, the Biblical warnings have long been ignored. The secular alternative media have only recently woken up to the dangers. And, they are still not making the crucial connection between Bible prophecy and our current reality !! Without making that vital connection, they are still groping around in the dark - desperately trying to find answers.
Neil Oliver – ‘…coercion is coming down the line for us all… ’ - YouTube
It has long confused me as to why uneducated (majority) illegal immigrants are being allowed - nay - positively encouraged - to infiltrate our borders. In the UK, Europe and USA. It has little to do with voting stats but has everything to do with importing a type of slave class. A desperate slave class of people who are, in reality, economic migrants, who mistakenly think they are entering some sort of 'milk and honey' society. Little do they realise, they are jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Whilst this is happening, the middle classes are being dismantled - finger by reluctant finger. It makes sense, don't you think? The so-called elites will need a compliant slave class to do the heavy work in their dystopian future. They have no use for intelligent, free-thinking individuals. Oh no! That wouldn't do at all. They need a 'peasant' type underclass who will fall into line - a class who will more easily accept the new paradigm. A people who will accept food rations as essential to their survival. A people who are less likely to rebel.
This is exactly why this invasion of our countries is being encouraged. If anyone has a better idea as to why this is being allowed, I would love to hear it.
Please come, LORD Jesus. We desperately need You.