Fay (28 Aug 2022)
"An End to the Delusions?"


Hey John and Doves,

Things have reached near tipping point regarding the race to re-sign the JCPOA agreement. The Israeli government seem to have woken up from their delusional coma regarding the Biden administration. Israel is being forced into the position of a pre-emptive strike against Iran and it's proxies. And let's not doubt that this has been the Obama/Biden plan all along. Biden was deliberately installed as the bumbling fall guy so that everything can be blamed on his destructive policies. The real power, behind the scenes, has everything going as planned. It is all about to kick off.

An end to the delusions about Biden, Iran and Israel? - JNS.org

In the 2nd link is a short video clip from Russell Brand. Russell shows just how hypocritical the various Bush/Clinton/Obama/Biden career politicians really are. George W Bush has released a podcast, showcasing his "immense wisdom". I nearly fell off my chair laughing. Bush has painted himself as a benign guru, imparting pearls of wisdom. Be warned - Russell Brand's language leaves much to be desired! However - we are all adults and there is little that should shock us now. Very well worth the watch. And you WILL find yourself laughing - in astonishment at the sheer self-delusion Bush exhibits. They really do think that we are THAT stupid!

This Is A F*cking JOKE - YouTube