Hi John and Doves,
The Biden administration's push and shove for a new JCPOA agreement defies logic. But this is exactly how evil men and women have behaved since time immemorial. The leaders of the western world -particularly America since WW2 - have made up excuses to invade other countries. All the while pretending to be defending "democracy". What the EU/UK/USA are doing in Ukraine is criminal. Absolutely criminal. They are using Ukraine as a proxy battleground. Russia knows it just as well as any vaguely intelligent human being.
Biden is not in charge. That much is a given. Most strongly believe that it is Obama who is pulling all the power levers. This ridiculous need to return to the JCPOA agreement is a giant, evil ruse. Just as Ukraine is being used to attack and wear down Russia - the Iranians will be used to attack Israel and foment a huge war in the Middle East. The Biden crowd do NOT want to be seen as taking America into war. Hence the Ukraine debacle. Ditto the situation with Iran and the Middle East.
Let's not be naïve. Given all the evidence of all the wars the USA leaders have taken the American people into, throughout the years, it can no longer be believed that America is a benign big teddy bear. Wanting to cuddle everyone and give them freedom and democracy. This has been a giant delusion for far too long.. This time around will spell the end of America as we know it. The corrupt administration has entered the final phase of their deep desire to destroy Israel. This is a battle they will NOT win. Great article in the link.