Hi John and Doves,
Meandering through the endless, suffocating articles about our current dire straits, I picked up on one - linked below. It happens to be about Fentanyl and it's hideous impact on our societies. This is but one of the ills that evil has visited upon us all. Evil is weak - therefore, it preys upon the weak. Saying that - I mean that it preys upon the most vulnerable. The most impressionable. This is being allowed to operate. Why? Because it's satanic. And Satan desires to destroy the human race. The minute we all realise that we are all in this together, is the minute we gather our power. The minute we all wake up to the fact that this is all a fight between good and evil, is the minute we truly acknowledge our enemy. This life is a battle between good and evil. There is no third party involved. No grey area.
We are either committed to the pure and good, or we are not. A decision has to be made. Just as we are taught that a smidge of leaven can rot a loaf of bread. We MUST make a choice. There is no room left for the disinterested - the weak - the ignorant. We have to commit to the ideal of the pure, holy and sin-free. While we are incapable of being pure and sin-free in our current, earthly avatars - we can certainly aspire to it.
Our Almighty God - our blessed and beloved LORD, Jesus Christ, are sin-free. We need to pray for this. We need to aspire to it. As unreachable as it seems.
US Border Agents Seize 1.6 Million Fentanyl Pills In Big-Rig, Destined For US Cities | ZeroHedge