Hi John and Doves,
The heavens recede and roll back like a scroll and all people SEE what is coming. Heaven has been revealed to all on earth. The ensuing chaos has people hiding in rocks and caves in utter panic. Because they can literally SEE the wrath coming. They are in no doubt at what they can see coming from heaven. At the beginning of Revelation 6, a white horse has a rider who has been given a crown. He then rides out to conquer. Bear in mind, this happens after our LORD Jesus appears in the Throne Room of Almighty God 'Looking like a Lamb who had been slaughtered'. Jesus has been swept up to the Throne Room from the heavenly Temple - where He has been serving as the eternal sacrifice. LORD Jesus begins opening the seals. Therefore, it seems entirely logical that the rider of the white horse is LORD Jesus. He has been found worthy to open the seals and is given a crown.
I have little doubt that things happen rapidly after Satan usurps the heavenly Holy Temple and Jesus is swept up to the Throne Room of Almighty God. I have come to believe that we will be able to see the abomination of desolation standing in the Holy Place (the heavenly Temple) - let the reader understand. Because we are told that it is then that we are to stand up and lift up our heads because our redemption is very, very close.
Reading the book of Revelation is very exciting when seeing it through this lens.
Please come, LORD Jesus.
Revelation 6 NIV - The Seals - I watched as the Lamb - Bible Gateway