Hi John and Doves,
Following on from the near future of the battle in the heavens, where Messiah Jesus (the eternal sacrifice) is swept UP to God's Throne Room - one has to ask - what occurs that enables this dramatic change? Last week, I posted about the three heavens and how actions on earth affect reactions in heaven and vice-versa. It becomes clear that something occurs on earth that triggers this drama in heaven. A huge earthly apostasy - triggering an immense transgression - a legality. A legality that Satan seizes upon with glee. This apostasy on earth, enables Satan to stand ready to devour the man-child as soon as Israel cries out to be delivered by her blessed Messiah. This allows Satan to commit apostasy in heaven. In the link is the most illuminating video clip by Nelson Walters. Nelson interviews Doug Hamp about this complicated subject. WOW! Most of it made perfect sense to me.
Doug asserts that the devil knows he cannot beat Almighty God in physical combat. Satan is relying on legalities. He knows Almighty God cannot lie and the Law is the Law is the Law. What Almighty God has decreed stands forever. Therefore - something huge occurs on earth regarding Israel. Something that causes Israel to break their covenant with Almighty God. Dividing of God's land? Dividing of Jerusalem? This will need the agreement of the Israeli government. This cannot be something that is forced upon Israel. Agreement MUST come from Israeli's leaders for it to hold any weight as "an apostasy". Once Satan can legitimately claim that God's Holy people have committed apostasy - broken their covenant with Almighty God, then all hell (literally) breaks loose in heaven. Which in turn, allows Satan to commit the apostasy of seating himself on the throne in the heavenly Temple.
The above are my words. However - you will be astounded at the insights in the video clip. Nelson was very excited to present this knowledge.
What is Satan's Strategy in the End Times? Nelson Walters/Doug Hamp Video Series Part One - YouTube