Hey John and Doves,
Although there will be animal sacrifices in the Millennial Kingdom, these will be reinstituted as a memorial rather than the old sacrificial system that existed prior to Christ. Please see 1st link.
Will there be animal sacrifices during the millennial kingdom? | GotQuestions.org
Which begs the question - Why would Almighty God condone and approve the reintroduction of animal sacrifices, prior to Christ's return and the Millennial Kingdom? In a man-made, AC approved pseudo Temple, no less? This, after He gave His only Begotten Son as the final, ultimate and forever sacrifice? Hebrews 10 (2nd link) explains beautifully how Christ's sacrifice was once for all.
Hebrews 10 NIV - Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All - The - Bible Gateway
This is all leading us to Daniel 8 - From the time the "continual sacrifice" is taken away there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is he who waits and comes to the 1,335 days. By "continual sacrifice", the direct translation implies that this term should be rendered "continuous - never ending". If this is referring to Jesus (which of course it is) then where and when is He (Jesus) going to be removed from - and when? This is where things become difficult to negotiate. Isaiah 6:1 tells us:- In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the LORD seated on a throne - high and exalted, and the train of His robe filled the Temple.
This is speaking of the heavenly Temple. Almighty God is seated "High and Exalted" and the train (the bottom of His robe) filled the Temple. Does this not imply that Almighty God's Throne Room (the highest heaven) is situated above the heavenly Temple? With only His robes dipping into the heavenly Temple? God's Throne sits ABOVE the heavenly Temple. It has become obvious that Satan still has access to the heavenly Temple. As we are shown, in the book of Job, the devil has access to earth and heaven. Satan spends a lot of his time accusing God's earthly people - deriding and belittling us to God. Particularly the Jewish people who have not accepted Jesus and are still bound by The Law.
This is all leading up to Revelation 12, where we are told that the man-child (Jesus) is swept UP to God's throne - which is above the heavenly Temple. The heavenly Temple is where the dragon is standing - waiting to devour the man-child as the woman (Israel) is crying out to be delivered. I realise the word 'delivered' means the woman (Israel) is about to give birth. It also means that Israel is crying out in pain for her Messiah as she is being violently persecuted on earth and is crying out for her Messiah. As Israel cries out - from earth - for her Messiah - the dragon sits ready to destroy the Messiah before He can respond to Israel's cries. Almighty God sweeps Messiah Jesus (the man-child) up to His Throne room. THIS is where the "continual and everlasting" sacrifice is removed from the Temple - the heavenly Temple.. Our LORD Jesus - the continuous and everlasting sacrifice - is removed from the heavenly Temple. Jesus is swept UP to God. THIS is when the man of sin makes his move. He sits on the throne in the heavenly Temple and proclaims himself to be God. Our LORD Jesus - the Restrainer - has been taken out of the way. The eternal sacrifice and Restrainer have left the building. Which leaves Satan free to usurp the throne in the heavenly Temple.
This is when a war breaks out in heaven. Michael and his angels fight against the dragon and his angels. Our LORD Jesus is not part of this battle because He is now in the Throne Room of Almighty God. Michael and his angels fight this war and fling Satan and his cohorts to earth. Remember that Michael is the chief angel of Israel.
Revelation 12 NIV - The Woman and the Dragon - A great sign - Bible Gateway
I will continue this in a 2nd post. It's a lot to take in. Please know that I have studied long and hard and lost a lot of sleep over this. I have prayed hard too. The next part gets even more interesting. Did you ever wonder why LORD Jesus appears in the Throne Room "looking like a lamb who has been slain?" Revelation 5:6. I believe this is because He has just arrived in the Throne Room from the heavenly Temple. Jesus has been serving as the eternal sacrifice in the heavenly Temple, hence - looking like a sacrificial lamb when He arrives in the Throne room. The time has come for LORD Jesus to begin opening the scrolls. Reading Revelation 5 in view of these new insights, is literally mind-blowing.
Please come, LORD Jesus.