Fay (14 Aug 2022)
"Derrick Drew & 1 Corinthians 10:31 re What a Week"


Hi All,

Hats off to Reve (1 Corinthians 10:31) for highlighting this issue. Derrick D - I can only say that I love reading your posts. You must feel hurt, confused and sad at the way you have been treated. Because it's not in the slightest bit logical. Please know that your posts are very much appreciated. You are a humble man of God. I will not forget your defence of the Five Doves website when it was pilloried and mocked - in an incredibly spiteful manner - by the self-same forum you have been rejected by. Your defence of Five Doves was gentle and Godly - reminding readers that they will be seated across from each other at the same table at the wedding supper of the Lamb.

What has to be remembered is that we Christians are not in a competition with each other. We are all searching, watching and waiting for our LORD Jesus. The fact that we write to a favourite forum does not make us adversaries with other Christian forums. We are all supposed to be on the same page. Sadly - a lot of so-called moderators think differently. Power hungry and big fish in small ponds.

I know this post will be scrutinised by our wonderful John Tng - who is not a bully and strives to be fair in all things. I ask that you print this letter, John. Simply because I believe that this issue has to be called out. If we allow this awful, hurtful behaviour to be brushed under the carpet then we are allowing it. It's a tough old world out there and many potential believers are put off from writing to certain forums, for fear of being ridiculed or "de-platformed". This must pain our LORD Jesus.

God's Blessings to all.