Israel/the Jews and WW I, WW II and WW III (Gog and Magog war ?)Dear brethren of Five DovesThis is brother Daniel from Switzerland. My mother tongue is Swiss German dialectbut my English is quite ok and so I hope that You understand very well the shortrfollowing message.Just two weeks ago I wrote a letter (see "latter day letters 07.31.2022") to FiveDoves considering the Russia - Ukraine conflict, the prophecied Gog and Magogwar and the involved nations which are fighting - together with Gog and Magog -against Israel.The more I think and pray about the whole situation the more it becomes clear tome the following:World War I was very important especially because of Israel and the Jews. Thesame with World War II and being very important for Israel and the Jews and thesame now with Gog and Magog and which seems to be indeed World War III.Because in WW I it happened that in november 1917 there was also in Jerusalemthe battle between the British army and the Osman-Turkish army. There washeavy supernatural rain on 19th november 1917 and finally on 9th december1917 the Osman empire capitulated and General Allenby finally entered Jerusalemthrough the Jaffa gate. And Jerusalem became delivered of the Osman empireafter 400 years/1517 ff. by the British army and General Allenby and so WorldWar I was very important because of the Jews.World War II made it finally possible - and as a consequence of the Holocaustand the persecution and killing of millions of Jews - that the whole world agreedthat the Jews have the right to have their own country = Israel and then thereal country of Israel came into existence in may 1948. Such worldwideagreement to accept a new nation of Israel would be absolutely impossible today(see the UN and their ongoing antisemitism and decisions against Israel again andagain !) but it was possible as a direct consequence of World War II.So World War II was very important again because of the Jews and forthe foundation of the country of Israel 1948.But now and 74 years later there are still many Jews living allover the world andespecially several millions of Jews still in the USA. Other big Jewish populations inRussia, France and other countries.And many Jews in the USA are very successfull businessmen and as long as theycontinue to be successful in business there is nothing at all to expect that thoseJews return to Israel and where they have not the same possibilities for beingsuccessful in business as they have it now in the USA.But now there is the passage in Ezekiel 39,28 "then they will know that I amthe Lord their God for though I sent them into exile among the nations,I will gather them to their own land NOT LEAVING ANY BEHIND".And the Gog and Magog war is not a local conflict because it is written also inEzekiel 39,6 "And I will send a fire on Magog and among them THATDWELL CARELESSLY IN THE ISLES and they shall know that I am the Lord".So the Gog and Magog war seems to be World War III and again veryimportant for the Jews and Israel because the consequences of this war andwhat is also going on in other parts of the world and outside of Israel - Fire onthe isles that dwell carelessly - will have the consequence and the forfillmentof the prophecy in Ezekiel 39,28 = that all the remaining Jews worldwide willgo back to Israel.And so I think the Russia/Ukraine conflict remains a local conflict and a nuclearescalation can happen anytime but can only happen after the rapture because ofRevelation 4,1 and Revelation 6,8 and see also my other letter to Five Dovesjust two weeks ago.And actually the russian army is not even strong enough to win against theUkraine and the war is now already almost six months.And which army is stronger the army of Ukraine or the army of Israel ? Ofcourse the army of Israel.And so when actually Russia is not even able to defeat Ukraine how the russianarmy and as Gog and Magog can be able and strong enough to even have thethought to start war against Israel ??? And there is the US-army too and alreadyhelping out Israel in all wars 1948/1956/1967/1973.So I see it now that the Russia/Ukraine conflict is another puzzlestone to bring thenations together which will fight with Gog and Magog against Israel later and itseems now that this can happen not very quickly. But circumstances will changevery fast with the event of the rapture = especially USA very weak and not beingable any longer to help Israel. But also Western Europe suddenly becoming veryweak (protection of US army for Western Europe 1945 not any longer !) and thenRussia very easily for example to go forward direction west /Germany too. Andsuch weakness of the rich western nations (USA, Germany etc.) after the raptureand then Russia attacking probably first western europe and then turning thedirection and attacking Israel will make the western nations finally so weak andeconomy so desperate that all the remaining Jews will turn back to Israel.The puzzlestones are so interesting and step by step everything becomes moreand more clear.May God bless You all and best regards from brother Daniel in =