Hello Carl, John, and Doves,
Carl - thank you so much for your letter:
The Rapture on the Feast of Trumpets
You presented a lot of cool information in this letter about Rosh Hashanah - big heads up for the Rapture on this day!Please take time to read Carl's letter if you haven't already - Rosh Hashanah is coming up near the end of September - on the new moon! (or the sighting there of)I think that Rosh Hashanah has been my top 'really good possibility day' for the Rapture longer than any other day I have looked at through the years. JR Church introduced me to the High Holy Days way back in 1980 and he thought the Rapture would occur on this day some year.With everything pointing to 2022 - along with the start of a new Shemitah (Sabbath) cycle this Rosh Hashanah, (see Luis Vega 7 Aug 2022 letter:
THE LAST SHEMITAH - Video Study by Gary at Unsealed.org
http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/aug2022/luisv87-2.htmWith the threat of global war, global famine, global drought, the nasty global "vaccine", the global "green" agenda....the Believers are more than ready for God to send the "bridegroom"...and usher in God's Global Reset!!This looks good on my calendar!!! Some four weeks away....Excellent letter, Carl!!Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance