Chance (28 Aug 2022)
"Covid 2022:  Murder Most Foul"

Hello John and Doves,
"We are still in the "Eye of the Storm" trying to regenerate a polarized, misinformed and panicked body politic, fighting a political/medical national security state that has successfully carried out a dress rehearsal for bio-fascism, including a redefinition of key scientific and medical terms and principles (vaccines, natural immunity, pandemic, cases) arbitrary states of Emergency, suspensions of civil liberties, economic lockdowns, school closings, censorship, restrictions on travel, mask mandates, vaccine passports, and a new belligerent foreign policy amounting to nuclear roulette with Russia and China."
"The U.S. and global economy continues to melt down.  The rich and the large corporations in the World Economic Forum get richer while the rest of us struggle.  At the same time, the climate, energy, food and water crisis intensifies, public health (mental and physical) deteriorates, and the great web of biodiversity unravels. In the wake of Covid-19 the U.S. body politic is more polarized and tribalized than ever, threatening to erupt into a new Civil War as the 2024 Presidential Election draws nearer."
"Rather than being a phenomena of natural evolution, unpreventable and unpredicted, SARS-CoV-2 was in fact jointly lab engineered by Chinese and US scientists (including Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina, Vinett Menachery from the University of Texas, and Shi Zhingli of the Wuhan Institute of Virolory and others) with funding by both the Chinese and U.S. governments and military including Dr. Fauci's National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases....a significant percentage of the public still do not fully understand that Covid-19 arose out of dangerous "gain-of-function" lab engineering funded by the military and government of China and the U.S....Even lesser known is the fact that this dangerous scientific experimentation, weaponizing viruses, bacteria and insects is still going on - not only across China and the U.S., but in Russia, Ukraine, Taiwan, Europe, Israel, and across the world.  Even as you read this, a shadowy international network of thousands of virologists, gene engineers, military scientists, and vaccine entrepreneurs are weaponizing viruses, bacteria and microorganisms in basically unregulated and accident-prone civilian and military labs."

"Today's reckless and criminally-negligent gene engineers, vaccine entrepreneurs, and biowarriors are much like their Nazi forebearers, hide behind the guise of scientific inquiry, biodefense, biomedicine and vaccine research.....gain-of-function/biowarfare scientists in labs such as Wuhan, China and Fort Detrick, Maryland are deliberately and recklessly evading international law."  "Governments that participated in such biological weapon research generally distinguish between 'biowarfare' and 'biodefense', as if to paint such 'defense' programs as necessary.  But this is rhetorical slight-of-hand; the two concepts are largely indistinguishable."
An official report from the CDC noted that "95% of those who have died while "testing positive" (many of the PCR tests generate false positives) for Covid-19 were suffering from comorbidities that likely played a major role in their deaths, such as influenza or pneumonia (44.2%), hypertension (18.2%), diabetes (13.6%) Alzheimer's disease and other demntias (10.3%) and sepsis (11%)....This figure of 95% with pre-existing comorbidities (and primarily the elderly) has remained constant from 2020 through the present.  Using correct figures therefore means that 50,000 previously health Americans (without comorbidities) have died directly and primarily from Covid-19, not one million, as the CDC and the mass media claim.  Since January 2020 approximately 9 million people in the US have died from all causes - so the true figures are that 11% of (one million) of all deaths supposed "tested positive" for Covid within several weeks of their deaths, but only 0.55% (50,000) or approximately one half of one percent, of total deaths can be directly and solely attributed to Covid."
"We need to be clear that gain-of-function biowarfare experiments, disguised as biomedicine, are criminal acts in violation of international law, posing a clear and imminent threat to all of us...These scientists and funders include high-level Chinese and US government and military officials.  Those brought to public trial must include,....among others...Shi Zhengli, Ralph Baric, Vinett Menachery, Peter Daszak, Christian Hassell, Robert Kadlec, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Scott Dowell...."
The author writes a little about the Covid-19 "vaccine" - referring to is as a "for-profit vaccine or VINO (vaccine in name only), rushed to market, genetically engineered to transform your RNA and likely dangerous in terms of collateral damage to your health."
(above quotes from the below link - much more at the link"

COVID 2022: Murder Most Foul
Good article by Ronnie Cummins - Covid 19:  Murder Most Foul.
We were hit with THEIR gain-of-function bio-engineered "virus" (SARS-CoV-2/spike protein) that pushed us right into THEIR bio-engineered genome altering, spike protein manufacturing "vaccine".  If you didn't get infected with their spike protein virus, then they injected you with mRNA that turned your cells into spike protein manufacturing centers.  All pre-planned out in various "exercises" by the Rockefellers, Gates, Johns Hopkins, WEF...
Such incredible evil against mankind, perpetrated by minions of Satan.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.  I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.  John 10:10
Just shows THEY have bought into Satan's lies, 'hook, line, and sinker.' 
Surely we are close to the end of all of this....

COVID 2022: Murder Most Foul