Chance (21 Aug 2022)
"The Coming New Monetary System and The Excess Deaths"

Hello John and Doves,
Ed Dowd, former BlackRock Fund Manger, is working to expose the deceit of Big Pharma and its effect on the financial markets and our lives.
Financial Markets:
In this interview, Ed Dowd talks about the coming absolute collapse of the credit and the economy. 
(my notes)
What we're seeing now is due to several factors:  energy policies of Biden administration/the EU, lockdown of China, supply chain disruption/collapse, the Feds bad policy, the green policies....
Battle between deflation and inflation.  The Feds have been fighting deflation since the Tech Bubble burst.  This is a disaster.  And they can't raise interest rates without collapsing the whole system.  We are going into a recession.
What to watch for:  the first indication that the economy is starting to really collapse is the long bond start to come in yield wise up in price.  The time line is one to two weeks.  Then short term interest rates will follow after that.  The Fed will raise the rate one or two more times - they can't raise rates - they are trapped.  This is all smoke and mirrors.  This is why a new monetary system is coming.
Printing money has kept this all afloat - this printing has to accelerate to keep this going.  
They are setting the stage for another monetary system.  He suspects all the monkeypox and Covid variants will be designed to provide cover for the economic collapse.  All sort of shenanigans going on.
America's manufacturing base was 'shipped' over to China - a third world country, atheist, Communist - number one enemy of America.
The central bankers and politicians have bankrupted the world.  Lot of things you'll see in the news are distractions.  Dowd thinks they'll lock down the economy right before the elections.
If you're a criminal you aren't going to let the Republicans win in November.
run time 17:17
Big Pharma:
Edward Dowd in this interview talks about the CDC and other data around the world and found that younger working age folks started dying at alarm rates in 2021 compared to 2020.  He was notified by one of his insurance actuary insider that the Society of Actuary Research Institute put out a report on group life insurance excess mortality.  Survey of 80% of the revenue of the US group industry.  This confirmed that in Q3 of 2021 into the mandates there is an alarming spike increase in excess deaths - in 35 to 44 was 100% over normal for that quarter.  The data continues to show 20% excess deaths.  He believes the Covid 19 mRNA 'vaccine' is causing these excess deaths - as shown in the various charts/graphs/data bases.
The evidence is becoming overwhelming.  And the CDC knows what's coming.
This link shows the SOA "Excess Mortality by Detailed Age Band"  Table 5.7
We are being hit from all sides!  I doubt that the good people reporting on all of this will be able to make any kind of impact before the November elections.  We are fighting against Dominion voting machines, rigged computer programs, deceitful Secretary of States, cheating voting machine operators, thousands of 'mulls', etc., a dishonest media, and a lot of bad politicians running everything, etc.
I saw a ticker on FOX news today saying something to the effect that McConnell was downplaying the coming Red Wave in November - probably because he already knows who, how is going to cheat and prevent anything Red from winning.  When the fox is in the hen house....  
In lockstep with the evil people pushing the Covid-19 mRNA "vaccine" on everyone - including babies!  Even with all of the information coming out now about the CDC, Fauci, Biden lying to the American people, and the data on excess deaths reported by insurance companies....people are still lining up for this injection.  Just boggles the mind!
Evil will not take one step back!  The devil knows his time is short....getting everything lined up...
God help us.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!