Chance (21 Aug 2022)
"Do No Harm - They Are Going After Our Children"

Hello John and Doves,
Who is protecting the children from these monsters?
Too many "physicians" are destroying our children's lives with their "gender affirming", "transgender rights" beliefs.  These beliefs are perverted and evil.  Our children are our blessing from God - we are suppose to protect them from people like this!  Children are children...they are much too young to be making such health and life changes to their bodies.  And the adults in the room need to protect their right to be children!
Boston Children's Hospital Creates Bizarre Video Promoting 'Gender Affirming' Hysterectomies for Kids
There is tremendous pressure on psychologists, physicians, etc to give puberty blocking drugs, genital mutilating surgeries, etc to children - fearing they'll be labeled as "transphobic".  So many just go along with all of this - instead of standing up to this tyranny against children, and parents - against all of us.
"Physicians fear scores of youngsters could unnecessarily be being put on puberty blocking drugs that warp their hormones every year."  Over fears "they will be branded transphobic if they don't..."  August 20, 2022
NHS is 'over-prescribing hormone blocking drugs to children as young as three' | Daily Mail Online
Where is all of this coming from?
Boston Children's Hospital website reads like the World Economic Forum's website:  "...commitment to equity, diversity and inclusivity." 
Center for Gender Surgery Program | Boston Children's Hospital
WEF website:  "...organizations have an opportunity to embed greater diversity, equity and inclusion."  This WEF pdf is titled:  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 4.0

"HHS wants to force doctors to treat children with puberty blockers, even as FDA warns of severe side effects for girls."  The Biden Administration is "asking the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal Aug 4 to reinstate a Department of Health and Human Services mandate requiring doctors to perform gender transitions on children and some private insurers and employers to cover them."

Biden administration divided on 'gender affirming' care for minors as other countries pull back | Just The News

So our evil government is behind mandating this for children!  Children who are too young to vote, too young buy alcohol, too young to buy cigarettes, too young to make legal decisions...but they can decide what sex they want to be...and these "adults" are so depraved and evil push this on children, toddlers!
This just sickens me that there are people in America that are doing this to children!  My opinion of "physicians" has plummeted based on this evil they do to children's minds and bodies.  And I'll add physicians who give children and babies the Covid "vaccine" - they'll pay one day for this evil. 
And for the physicians who are silent on these topics - shame on you!   Physicians, of all people know what this does to children's bodies - this destroys lives!   I am disgusted with them.
America has a HUGE target right over her.!  We will all pay for this evil.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!