Hello John and Doves,
There have been many letters on Doves about the 'adverse side effects' of the Covid-19 mRNA "vaccine". Almost every day I come across more articles, more people injured, more dead from this shot. There are many stories of people injured by this "vaccine" - and it's just heartbreaking and maddening to hear their stories and know the damage is more than likely permanent. Evil people did this! And THEY are still pushing this "vaccine" on adults, on children, on babies!We were lied to. Most people should know that by now. The CDC recently came out and said as much. I've noticed FOX and other news stations interviewing Dr. McCullough and Dr. Malone and others who have been speaking out for a long time. Doctors that were shunned, banned, discredited, threatened with their medical license, etc. Now people are starting to listen.Freedom of Information Request:
In a FOIA request - the pubic has been able to get the Pfizer Trial documents.They didn't tell us that during the Pfizer's mRNA Covid vaccine trial that 44% of pregnant women had a miscarriage. That's FORTY-FOUR PERCENT. Nor did they tell us that by February 2021, Pfizer had so many adverse vaccine events reports that they had to "immediately hire 600 employees to process the data."A "batch of documents released in late July showed that 44% of women who were pregnant during the trial suffered miscarriages.." "Out of 50 pregnant women, 22 of them lost their babies, according to an analysis of the documents." Previously, "only 10 to 15% of known pregnancies ended in miscarriage."
Report: 44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies; FDA and CDC Recommended Jabs For Expectant Mothers Anyway › American Greatness
So what else did they HIDE from us??Insurance Company Increase Morbidity/Mortality:The following video is of a CEO of a large insurance company that underwrites morbidity risks.Notes from his video: They are seeing an increase in all cause morbidity and mortality. That means something systemic is causing these problems. Abnormal increase in all cancers, blood clotting, heart issues, inflammation issues, etc. When you see all of these arising in hundreds of percentiles in people physically fit age 18 to 45 (military personnel) there is only one cause. The destruction of their immune system.We are seeing a vaccine induced autoimmune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Everybody who got the shot got some form or level of AIDS. For those who got one shot, 30% of their natural immunity has been destroyed. For those who got three shots, all of their natural immunity is completely gone. We are seeing this in doctor practices - on and off base.Based on what they are seeing, the excess mortality rate is 84% and excess every kind of disease is 1100%. "We are expecting a 5,000% or so increase in excess mortality for this year."run time: 2:00The FDA had dozens of people looking over these clinical trials - but it didn't matter. The fix was in - the Covid-19 mRNA "vaccine" was being delivered to the public...no matter what the trials showed. And we can bet THEY knew what this "vaccine" could do. That was the whole idea.New Research:"A new medical study published by The Lancet, a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal, shows Wuhan coronavirus booster shots can be harmful to the immune system and can cause adverse effects. The study shows that after 8-months, a vaccinated person has the same immunity levels against the virus as an unvaccinated individual." Even the European Medicines Agency reported that "frequent Covid-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response..."And the NIH reports that "As a safety measure, further booster vaccinations should be discontinued." "Organ damage, especially among immunocompromised individuals, is also a concern".https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2022/07/20/new-medical-study-shows-covid-booster-shots-actually-cause-damage-n2610531We can remember back to those organ transplant organizations pulling unvaccinated people off the waiting list - as they didn't want to waste an organ transplant on them!! How many of those people died because of this failure to comprehend this "vaccine"??? And here the vaccinated ones were having their immune systems flat out right destroyed by the "vaccines" they were told to take!Greg Hunter Interviews Dr. Martin:USAWatchdog with Greg Hunter interviewed Dr. Martin about the Covid-19 "vaccines":Dr. David Martin, CEO and Chairman of M-CAM International - "Dr. Martin has also been heavily involved in the growing collection of lawsuits brought forth against private medical companies and the U.S. federal government surrounding the questionable mass Covid vax agenda." His company is directly involved in the lawsuits.Below are some notes: ((I added my comments like this))The shot is "not a coronavirus vaccine," but instead simply a "spike protein instruction to make the human body produce a toxin". And that toxin has been scheduled as a known biologic agent of concern for the last decade and a half. This was premeditated, a campaign of universal terror - using a known biological weapon. "The Covid shot agenda was "not a public health measure, "but rather a "premeditated...campaign of domestic terror to get the public to accept the universal vaccine platform using a known biological weapon."A lot of the vaccinated are dying. Most of them will die. The instructions encoded in the vaccines includes instructions that the human body has never seen before. It is 100% unknown, what is known is that a lot of people are going to die, like many already have died due to liver function, pulmonary function, heart problems, blood clots.He said that the stated depopulation goal by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Chinese CDC, the Welcome Trust and others, for WHO, was 15% of the world's population. That's about 700 million people. The people who have been vaccinated/boosted are getting Covid at alarming rates. Their bodies are producing the spike protein - a very large population will be killed by this run away production. This was not by accident, but by design.The spike protein was a tragic error the first time it was engineered. In 1999, Fauci and Ralph Baric decided to start weaponizing coronavirus. Fauci funded Chapel Hill research. In 2002 Chapel Hill University of North Carolina patented an infectious replication defective chimera of coronavirus. This became the first instance of SARS. They continued to weaponize this during the gain of function moratorium. Chapel HIll was given an exception for this moratorium...so weaponization of this virus continued. In 2013, Ralph Baric found that Wuhan had a particularly deadly coronavirus - so it was taken to Chapel Hill where it was replicated. Then in 2016, Ralph Baric published a paper "in which he said the Wuhan Institute of Virology virus 1 coronavirus was poised for human emergence." At the same time, Ralph Baric had the patent for Remdesivir - the drug used to kill the people who didn't get killed by the injection. This virus was then intentionally released. And they knew they would have 'the "vaccine" to sell to the public - Fauci is one of the top players in all of this. Along with Alex Azar the Health and Human Services Secretary. They knew this virus was a bioweapon since 2005; it was effective in hurting and intimidating and killing populations. They did this intentionally for the purpose of destroying humanity." Their data shows that this mRNA changed human DNA. They have known this for ten years of research. This whole thing started with an idea to use a virus as a vector to deliver a vaccine - in Fauci's case - for HIV. (Big Pharma is responsible for Alex Azar being appointed as the HHS Secretary.)He says that the Covid shot fallout is going to get a whole lot worse. He says that by Pharma's and the government's own estimates, about "700 million people globally will died from the Covid jabs, including 75 to 100 million Americans." ((That's almost one third of the entire population of the U.S.!!)) The time frame is by 2028. How many people will be sick? There are a large number already of known side effects. There are people dying - sudden cardiac deaths (SADS), clots, etc. And there are those undergoing a slow process of ultimate mortality - people getting more and more sick.The people trained to take care of the sick and dying were some of the first vaccinated. Why are there so few pilots now with lots of flights being cancelled? Pilots were required to take the vaxx. Lots of pilots have clotting and microvascular problems - so they can't fly. We will see this exact same phenomenon in the health care industry at a much higher level. This vaccination program has targeted the doctors and nurses.The mRNA can write itself into the human genome - the DNA. We do not know the long or short term effects of the changed DNA - everyone who has taken one shot has changed their DNA. The mRNA changes the DNA - thus what it means to be human. ((CDC told us the vaccine does not change DNA - now we have the proof that it does!))Dr. Martin said people should not compare this to Nuremberg - this is far worse. This is organized crime. This is the pharmaceutical industry hiding behind the Immunity Act that absolves them of liability - they named a bioweapon as a vaccination. In 1986 the vaccine definition was set - disruption of infection or transmission. These injections do not do this. This is an act of domestic terror - this is old school racketeering for personal gain and profit at the expense of lives. He said that "the Nazis were better than the people doing this." (Wow!)How do we bring these people to justice with the Biden Administration - the DOJ, the FBI has been weaponized against us.We are living in lawless times and our job is to make sure we keep the message of the faithful going forward. Overall, yes we will prevail. We have removed masks from the airlines - we are scoring victories. Each precedent makes it more difficult for THEM. Being persistent, correct, using financial tools - the long game plan is ultimately Pfizer, Moderna needs to shoulder the wrongful deaths and the willful negligent homicide deaths of the people that they injected under the guise of a therapy which they knowingly misbranded as a vaccine. This is deceptive medical practice - a class 3 felony. So they will continue to prosecute. They will keep the pressure on.Why inject the babies - children under 5? These vaccine companies want their "vaccines" put on the childhood vaccine list. They wanted genetically modified mRNA injectables put on to the National Childhood Vaccine schedule then this liability shield is permanent. We are going to kill more children by these injections than abortions ever have. We are going to kill and injure more babies and children with this injection.An acceptable death rate to Dr. Martin is ZERO.This SAR-COV-2 virus has never been isolated. This is all about the spike protein. It's the spike protein that was modified to target humans. This has never been about a virus but about a spike protein. And the deaths were not Covid 19 deaths but deaths with a biological weapon. Prior to the vaccine, during Covid-19, insurance companies had lower than previous years mortalities...- we did not have a huge number of deaths due to Covid like we were told ((I saw this in my own research for 2020)) - the death rate did not increase in the U.S. in 2020 during Covid. The excess deaths came with the injection of the known toxin - the spike protein. ((And Remdesivir killed so many people - and Covid was blamed!)) Covid-19 doesn't exist. It's a set of symptoms designed so hospitals and health care facilities are incentivized to say that you have it and can collect money. There is no disease called Covid-19. There is no scientific evidence of causality. Terminology like virus, vaccine, asymptomatic have been hijacked to manipulate the population. What was used to make the vaccine was from Chapel Hill per Dr. Baric - not China. ((I thought China was behind much of this.))Why did Americans develop a weapon to kill Americans and get paid to do it?We all have been exposed to the spike protein. What people had was lumped into a group called Covid - mostly like flu with it's varied symptoms. ((Rembmer how everyone joked about Covid cured the flu, Covid cured colds, Covid cured typical pneumonia, Covid cured etc. etc. It seemed like every death had Covid on the death certificate!)) We never have the exact same flu or cold due to our immune system. We can't have Covid-19 - it's a set of clinical symptoms - promoted for a campaign of fear to get the public to accept the 'vaccine'.We believed the nonsense coming out of the CDC and the vaccine companies.If there was fraud in the use of EUA (Emergency Use Authorization), then all of the immunity shield gets wiped out. Pfizer, Moderna, J and J know they are perpetuating a fraud... 100% of the liability flows back to them...Operation Warpspeed was implemented through a company called ATI (a contractor) - the financial loss will fall on the company that was the prime contractor so they'll try to use ATI as the 'fall guy'....however, when a fraud was the basis of a fraud - it falls on Pfizer, Moderna, etc.There will be many 'sharks' that will go after Pfizer, Moderna, etc.as more and more comes out...each count for corporate domestic terrorism comes with a $100 million a case liability. This would destroy these companies.Dr. Martin is fighting every day for American citizens. He wants to contribute to a constructive end - within the scope of laws - he hopes people don't fall for the revenge option once they realize what has happened to them, their family, friends. He has been following the money on this since 1999.run time 1:03:20 for the video at the link (this is an excellent, informative interview)Websites to follow:On Prosecutenow.com (shows litigation of Plandemic Crimes) we can see all that's going on with these cases. It's kept up to date so the public can see what and how things are going. Dr. Martin's website: Davidmartin.world(end notes)CDC Exposed:And now we are seeing a "shake up" in the CDC due to their numerous "mistakes". I think the whole CDC is a sham and should be gutted. America is better than this. I have ZERO confidence in the CDC.
Dr. Marc Siegel on CDC changes over COVID mistakes: This is an admission to the shortcomings
CDC eases COVID guidance in shift of approach | Fox News
CDC director orders reorganization, saying COVID-19 response 'did not reliably meet expectations' | Fox News
CDC director says COVID response did not ‘meet expectations,' announces changes
Just thinking about all of the people that have taken this "vaccine" - so they can be with their grandchildren, so they can keep their job, so they can travel, so they can go to a concert, so they won't get sick - all of them were duped. I have family members and friends who took this.
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! (New Living Translation) 2 Cor 4:16, 17God knew this was going to happen. God knows exactly who did what and why. God will sort all of them out. Maybe not in this world, but most definitely in the next. I am not holding my breath that Fauci, Azar, Baric, Pfizer, Moderna, and all the others who created, pushed this "vaccine" on us will come to justice any time soon. I think the lawsuits are facing an uphill battle and I will do what I can to warn people and support the work being done on our behalf. But I believe we are near The End. I believe that only God can deal with this - it's so massive. And it's all part of the judgment that has fallen upon the world.The word is getting out there about these dangerous "vaccines" - FOX and other news outlets are bringing on informed, good people - Dr. McCullough, Dr. Malone - there are so many more that have been fighting through the censoring, the threats, the 'fact checking' trying to get the word out. We need to hear from more of these people. But the media, twitter, facebook, etc. are still making this very difficult. These people can only say so much when in public. It's amazing and shocking the depth of this deception!! And the amount of control!! There needs to be an outcry against vaccinating the children, the babies!!Brace yourself! We're in it for our eternal future. This is not the time to give in, give up.No matter what our circumstances are. "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles..." Isa 40:31If feels like we are in a "special window" of time - as we approach the start of the Tribulation. The evil around us is growing exponentially...touching everyone of us. It feels surreal at times. Add this to the coming WW3!This is the time to Look Up!Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance