Bob Ware (14 Aug 2022)
"Obama gematrias linked to the 1503 days served by Lincoln and the 4392 total days served by the four assassinated Presidents"


From 9/11/2001 to 9/26/2022 (Tishrei 1 of 5783) will be 7 x 1098 inclusive days. 1098 is the gematria of the last 3 of the 7 Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1 (‘heaven and earth’). 1098 is the average number of days served by the four assassinated Presidents.


The sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ is 1795. The Hebrew gematria is 501. When you assign the Hebrew/Greek gematria values to the English alphabet the gematria of ‘BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’ is 793. 793 is the 654th composite number and the 12th Star of David number: 654 + 12 equals: 666.


1795 doubled equals the sum of the three sets of 6 values that make up the ‘Prime Cross’. The 6 primes that make up the two bars of the cross total 2882, their 6 prime number placeholders total 552 and their 6 placeholders within the ‘Prime Cube’ itself total 156. 156 + 552 + 2882 equals: 3590 or 2 x 1795. 2882 equals: 2 x 1441 (9/11/2001 was the 1441st day of the last 19-year Jewish calendar cycle).


1795 plus 501 minus 793 equals the 1503 days served by President Lincoln before he died from his assassin's bullet.


Obama was the 43rd different President. The 43rd number within the ‘Prime Cube’ is the 153rd prime number ‘881’. The first three numbers in this center row make up the horizontal bar of the ‘Prime Cross’. The sum of these three numbers equals the 1461 days in one four-year Presidential term: 113 + 467 + 881. Again, 881 is the 3rd number in the center row of the ‘Prime List’. The 4th number in that center row is 1303. The sum of the four values: 1795 + 501 + 793 + 1303 equals the 4392 days served by the four assassinated Presidents.


President Trump was sworn in on a stack of two Bibles. Combined they had a total of 132 books (2 x 66). The White House has 132 rooms. The total of 4392 days served by the four assassinated Presidents + 132 equals the 4524 circumference of my ‘Circle of Time’. Its diameter equals the 1440 minutes in a day.


Could Obama return to power, receive a fatal head wound and then recover?


Prime List with Last Day of 5782.jpg