Fay (29 Aug 2021)
"The Sinners
Prayer Unbiblical?"
Hi John and Doves,
I really enjoyed this Living Waters video clip. The simplicity
of the message. It's proof positive that we are beginning to see
through a glass less darkly. This will have many Christians
clutching their pearls and swooning with shock - but the truth
is that our Almighty God requires us to be spiritually mature.
Not doing things by rote.
There is much to be said for doing the sinners prayer and/or the
ABC's of salvation. Hugely commendable. But, as scripture tells
us - we can plant the seed but only God can make it grow. Our
duty is to share the gospel. Lots of people find this
intimidating and difficult because we have been taught that we
have to "close the sale" by urging the listener to recite the
sinners prayer etc. This is not necessary at all. Simply
planting the seed is enough. Almighty God will take it from
there.....or not. It is way beyond our pay grade to expect to
"close the sale".
People can recite the sinners prayer, but we cannot guarantee
that they mean it. Only God knows people's hearts.