TH (2 Aug 2020)

                          WHAT IS A HUMAN LIFE REALLY WORTH ?

     That's a good question.  I mean in dollars, U.S. Dollars. Greenbacks !  When we
see in the news, some rescue operation going on to save some unfortunate person,
or even animal, that is in trouble, or danger, we witness great pains under-taken to
save he/she/it. It gives us a warm feeling as we watch the struggle and joy at the
success of the effort.  Applause, interviews, reaction from loved ones or owners. A
good day for us all.  Humanity wins one !  Does that answer our question as to the worth of a human life ?  No, but it does demonstrate there IS A VALUE and we see lt.
We cannot deny it.  Just ask the rescue folks and those loved ones that might have
lost a precious one.  How much cash (hypothetically of course) would the concerned
party have  been willing to lay out to guarantee the life that was at stake?  10-20-50
Thou ? Or more ? Take a minute and ask yourself how much would you be willing to pay
for the rescue of YOUR child ? All you had I bet. Me too. Hope we never have to find out by being in a situation that would require such a thing. Let's, for the sake of dis-
cussion, ask ourselves what would you pay for someone else's child ?  Ok, while you
contemplate the price of someone else's child, let's consider the price of someone
else's child still in the womb.  What would you pay for THAT child ?  What if THAT
child's "mother" was on her way to an abortion clinic ?  Would you consider offering
the mother 10G's to carry the child to term ?  20G's ?  Think about this !  The cost
of adoption of a newborn is, what ?  I've seen cases where desperate parents pay
50+ in some cases.  So even if you had to offer the "mother" 25G's (and I suspect
most would go for 25G's cash) that would leave you with as much as 25G's profit.
There we go...abortion issue solved and everybody is happy !  MARANATHA !  TH