Neil Lipken (9 Aug 2020)
"Notice the "666" !"

The upcoming 7 year Tribulation Period is now "casting its shadow" on these End Times of the Church Age.   This sticker is a very clever way of presenting the "666" without attracting much attention.

Psalm 102:16 King James Bible-------    "WHEN THE LORD SHALL BUILD UP ZION (Israel), HE SHALL APPEAR IN HIS GLORY."

After 2669 years of not having been a free nation (back to 721 BC when the Assyrians came down and took the northern 10 tribes of Israel captive), Israel returned in 1948 and we then entered into the End Times of this present dispensation, the Church Age.   Now Israel is over 72 years old, and Jesus is indeed going to be appearing soon in His glory, first at the Rapture, and then a tad longer than 7 years later at the Second Coming!   And then at last Jesus (Jewish in the lineage of King David and the long-rejected Messiah of Israel!) will rule from Jerusalem over the nations for the next 1000 years, and finally there will be peace among the nations!

The vast, vast majority of churches are totally silent about this, which validates the prophecy of Matthew 24:38-40 King James Bible-------    "For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the DAY that Noah entered into the ark, AND KNEW NOT UNTIL THE FLOOD CAME, AND TOOK THEM ALL AWAY; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.   Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left (Rapture)." 


P.S.   As a teacher of end time Bible prophecy for now over 40 years, it is truly grieving to see so many churches totally ignorant of the incredible times that we are living in!

P.P.S.   I believe very strongly that the "forced mask compliance" is a test run for the "mandatory mark of the beast" (Revelation 13:16-18) after the upcoming Rapture.   We are now seeing the early beginnings of the loss of freedom in America!    By the way, the vast majority of masks are totally useless against the Covid-19 virus!   The smallest filaments in the masks are much farther apart than the microscopic virus.   Would one put up a chain link fence to keep out mosquitoes?   Well, same comparison!   Social distancing is fine, but the masks are totally worthless on keeping the virus out!    The only thing the masks do is to cause one to breathe back their own carbon dioxide, which is very unhealthy over time, especially for older people!   One much more practical use for the masks--------- ride with the banditos to take down the bank in Dodge City!   Actually I am giving that some consideration!

P.P.P.S.   Please feel free to send this email far and wide!

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