Jerry Taylor (9 Aug 2020)
"Interpretation - Pastor Dana's Dreams"


Dream 1 (from December, 2019)

  • A hand started flipping through a calendar, stopping on March and tapping it 3 times – prophecy of COVID 19
  • The hand then flipped to June and tapped it 3 times
  • He saw marching, protests, masks, people on ventilators, cities on fire, courthouses surrounded, barriers in cities
  • During this dream, he heard a voice say “brace yourself”
  • A confirmation perhaps – per Byron Searle: End of August – food lines since supermarkets are looted – maybe a good time to keep 30 days of food in reserve in preparation

Dream 2

  • A white figure appears and says “Part 2,” which Dana believes is the Holy Spirit
  • The hand flips the calendar to September and taps it 3 times
  • It flips to November and punches it, exploding the calendar
  • He sees armed protesters
  • Schools are closed and look completely abandoned
  • Banks have their roofs removed and the money is flying into the air as though being sucked up by a vacuum
  • Politicians are making shady deals
  • Washing DC is burning
  • Chinese and Russian troops invade, seeming to represent the U.N., and start rounding people up
  • Dream indicates Rapture may have taken place since a glowing white figure tells people still on earth: “Endure until the End (of the Tribulation?)”
  • During all of this, he notices the Oval Office is vacant
  • Again, he hears the words “brace yourself”

Dream 3

  • He goes to a bank to get change, and he’s told the U.S. mint is no longer making coins, and soon won’t make smaller bills
  • This is an indication hyperinflation is imminent

From these recent dreams

  • A 2nd wave of COVID 19 is coming in early September or late August, perhaps a mutation
  • Protests will worsen
  • We’re building toward a civil war
  • Rapture sometime in the Fall is imminent