After sending the post regarding Turkey and the 7 churches, I believe I received a huge insight from the LORD. Thank you, precious LORD. It may not be new to some but I found it breathtaking. I went back to the Book of Revelation and read, again, the letters to the 7 churches. This time with new eyes. Because this is the first chapter of Revelation - it stands to reason that we need to take heed of the location of the churches. Because this first chapter is the beginning of the end. This is where it all starts. This is when LORD Jesus says that the churches have to wake-up - sit up - and start taking major notice. For His appearance is nigh. Behold, He is coming quickly. And on the clouds.
The biggest take-out I got from this study, is that the church will indeed be here to witness the kick-off event in that precise region. This is the signal to lift up our heads.
The only church not to be rebuked is Philadelphia. They are told they have a door open to them, and they will be kept from the hour of testing. How long is an hour? Perhaps it is the 10 days of persecution that the church in Smyrna will have to suffer? Philadelphia won't be tested. She is simply urged to hold fast to what she already has so that no one takes her crown. Reading the letter to Philadelphia is what has me believing that all the churches will be here to witness the break out of war. This is our signal to GET READY.
Are urged to repent.
10 days of persecution.
Are urged to repent.
This church is told that there are some who have not learned Satan's so-called dark secrets. To these few, the LORD says He will not impose any other burden on them - except to hold on to what they have until He comes. This is what Philadelphia have been told too.
Are told to WAKE UP! Their deeds are unfinished - although they look pretty slick and saintly on the surface. Like Thyatria, there are a few in this church who have not soiled their clothes. These few will walk with the LORD - dressed in white.
A rich, luke warm church. Neither here nor there. The LORD is particularly disgusted with their lethargy.
The map in the link shows a clearer picture of the exact locations of the churches. See the big map on the right hand side of the page. Notice how Thyatria, Sardis and Philadelphia are located furthest from the coastline and are all near each other. This is important to note as Thyatria and Sardis have a few amongst them who have the same attributes as the Philadelphia church.
Pergamum, Smyrna and Ephesus are all told they urgently need to repent. Smyrna, in particular, is warned of 10 days persecution. Note their location. Right on the coastline and in the line of fire.
Note the location of Laodicea !!!! Neither here nor there. Apart from the other 6 churches. Neither hot nor cold. This is why I believe the locations are very important. The map itself, speaks volumes!
I am a zillion percent sure that there is way more to this, but I am also very sure that the Rapture is within touching distance. The coming war, in the Mediterranean, will be our primary signal.