Hi John and Doves,
I missed a major clue regarding the location of the 7 churches. I am black and blue from kicking myself. Lol.
Check out the map again. Scroll down the page a little to see additional maps. Take note of where the Island of Patmos is situated. Right there - in the Mediterranean Sea - just off the coastline of Turkey. Patmos is where John the Revelator received his revelations regarding the end.
If this isn't a major, major heads-up as to where it all starts - I don't know what is! When we see this war explode in that region - we need to seriously look up. For our LORD is very close indeed.
It's probably worth watching the TV7 Israel News panel discussion that I posted. I know it's 28 minutes long ...but in view of what the LORD has shown.....!! We need to take close note of what is happening there.
Maranatha, LORD Jesus. Please may we be found worthy.