Elliot Hong (9 Aug 2020)
"Two Messages of Byron Searle and Elul 12 of Fay"

Dear Doves:

I introduced the message "7 Weeks" that Byron Searle received on 7/13.
On 8/1, he received another message "Wait" which said "4 weeks to prepare."
Although "Rapture" was not mentioned, it said "Soon the Door will shut - And the Final Chapters will begin."
Thus these two messages suggest that a big change (shift) will occur by 8/31 which is Elul 11.
And I was wondering why Elul 11.
Then I read the Fay's post and learned about the Bible Code of "Asteroid/Elul 12."
11 means Judgment and 12 represents Church Age and New Jerusalem.

Amazingly, 8/31(Elul 11) is 3 months from Shavout.
I've been suggesting that the Birth of 144K or the Rapture should take place on the day that is extended from Shavout.
3 is the number of theTrinity and the Resurrection.
As it's written in Hosea 6:2, it said "On the third day He will raise us up, That we may live in His sight."

The Hebrew word "Elul" can be understood to be an acronym for the phrase "Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li" (Song of Solomon 6:3).
It was the Tradition that the King stayed in the field during the month of Elul which fits to "in the field" of Genesis 24:65. 
The new moon of Elul is 8/21 which is 3 years from the Great American Solar Eclipse. 

There is a possibility that the Remnant begins to work before Elul 12 as it's written in Matthew 22:1-14.
Or the Remnant could be birthed on Elul 11, then witness for 40 days as Jesus did.
Genevieve heard "Forty Days!" from Gabriel.
40 days from Elul 11 is Shemini Atzeret(10/10) and Simchat Torah(10/11).

8/4 was watched very closely, since it's O's birthday and the 216th(6x6x6) day of the year. 
Sure enough, a devastating explosion occurred in Beirut on 8/4 and the second blast occurred on 18:08.
18 is 666 and O's name has 18 letters as it's written in Rev.13:18.
8 means New Birth and New Beginning.
There is an unconfirmed image caught on infrared camera showing a missile striking the site.
Whether it's Fact or False, the Fuse is lit in my opinion.
