Dear Doves:
ED W received "Three Visions for America" on 8/15.It's no doubt that the second vision is about the New Madrid Fault Line.And it can be suggested that there is a connection between The Abraham Accord and the second vision of ED W.A question is when it will occur.It was 8/22 in 2005 when the Gaza Gush Katif Disengagement was completed.And 7 days later on 8/29, Hurricane Katrina hit.How long it will take this time from the announcement of historic Peace Deal if this suggestion is right?Twin earthquakes of 6.9 and 6.8 occurred within 6 minutes on 8/18(666) in Sumatra, Indonesia.The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami which killed 227,898 people occurred in Sumatra, Indonesia.Thus this twin earthquakes could be the sign that a big one will occur soon some where for sure.Perhaps in the New Madrid fault line?I still like a scenario that the Birth of the Remnant is on 8/31(Elul 11) which is 3 months from Shavout.Then after 40 days of witness, Shemini Atzeret or Simchat Torah will be the ascension day for the Bride.
Here are three messages that Edward Umling received on 8/20-22."There shall be the sound of Trumpet""There shall be change in an instant""I shall not delay any longer"
According to the Calvin's post, rare twin storms enter Gulf on 8/24-25.He says that when God mentions something "Twice" in Scripture, it declares the certainty of a coming event.And Zechariah 9:14 is quoted."Then the Lord will appear over them; his arrow will flash like lightning. The Sovereign Lord will sound thetrumpet; he will march in the storms of the South"He also explains that the moon will be near Antares in Scorpio on 8/25-26 reminding the significant sign thatthe moon occulted Antares on Halloween of 2008 which was 4 days before O was elected as the 44th President.
No one knows the day or the hour, but it's coming!Maranatha!