Elliot Hong (23 Aug 2020)
"The Abraham Accord and New Madrid Earthquake"

Dear Doves:

ED W received "Three Visions for America" on 8/15.
It's no doubt that the second vision is about the New Madrid Fault Line.
And it can be suggested that there is a connection between The Abraham Accord and the second vision of ED W.
A question is when it will occur.
It was 8/22 in 2005 when the Gaza Gush Katif Disengagement was completed.
And 7 days later on 8/29, Hurricane Katrina hit.
How long it will take this time from the announcement of historic Peace Deal if this suggestion is right?
Twin earthquakes of 6.9 and 6.8 occurred within 6 minutes on 8/18(666) in Sumatra, Indonesia.
The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami which killed 227,898 people occurred in Sumatra, Indonesia.
Thus this twin earthquakes could be the sign that a big one will occur soon some where for sure. 
Perhaps in the New Madrid fault line?
I still like a scenario that the Birth of the Remnant is on 8/31(Elul 11) which is 3 months from Shavout.
Then after 40 days of witness, Shemini Atzeret or Simchat Torah will be the ascension day for the Bride.

Here are three messages that Edward Umling received on 8/20-22.
"There shall be the sound of Trumpet"
"There shall be change in an instant"
"I shall not delay any longer"

According to the Calvin's post, rare twin storms enter Gulf on 8/24-25.
He says that when God mentions something "Twice" in Scripture, it declares the certainty of a coming event.
And Zechariah 9:14 is quoted.
"Then the Lord will appear over them; his arrow will flash like lightning. The Sovereign Lord will sound the
  trumpet; he will march in the storms of the South"
He also explains that the moon will be near Antares in Scorpio on 8/25-26 reminding the significant sign that
the moon occulted Antares on Halloween of 2008 which was 4 days before O was elected as the 44th President.

No one knows the day or the hour, but it's coming!