A MUST LISTEN TO 7:40 minute video. For the month of Sept. we are to pray that the church has a strong backbone, and that corruption in the church be exposed, and also for a large harvest. There will be fires of revival in the U.S. and fires of opposition coming against the body of Christ as demonic spiritual battles. At the end of Sept. in Pastor Coverstone's dream, the heavens opened and he saw the Lord standing with His angels. And the Lord said,"Arise my bride, arise my bride and prepare to pray. Arise my bride, arise my bride and prepare for battle. Arise my bride, arise my bride and prepare to see my face for I am coming soon and my reward is with me. Then he heard the sound of a 1,000 shofars being blown all at once before he woke up." He said it doesn't mean that the Lord is coming on Oct. 1st of 2020.