Donna Danna (9 Aug 2020)

By using the numbers listed in Genesis 5:3-32, you can calculate the year each of the ten patriarchs were born, the year they died, the age they died, their age at Enoch's rapture to heaven when he was 365 in year 987, their age at Noah's flood in 1656, how many years before and after 987 and 1656 that they died from Adam down through Noah. Adam was created in year 0. Seth born in yr. 130 when Adam was 130 yrs. old.  235 yr. Enos born.  325 yr. Cainan born. 395 yr. Mahalaleel born. 460 yr. Jared born. 622 yr. Enoch born + 365 age raptured = 987 yr. Enoch raptured.   687 yr. Methuselah born.  874 yr. Lamech born.  1056 yr. Noah born + 600 Noah's age at flood = 1656 yr. of flood and yr. Methuselah died. 1656 + 365 Enoch's age when raptured = 2021 possibly as the year of the Bride's rapture to heaven.

Before I show you more clues regarding the year 2021, I first want to show you where 987 the yr. of Enoch's rapture was hidden down through the years between Adam's yr. of death in 930 & between the years that Seth, Enos & Cainan died. Adam had Seth at age 130 in the year 130 and he lived 800 more years = 930 the yr. and age Adam died. The year Seth died was 1042 - 930 yr. Adam died = 112 yrs.  Enos died in the yr. of 1140 - 930 = 210 yrs. Cainan died in the of yr. 1235- 930 = 305. Mahalaleel died in the year 1290 - 930 = 360 yrs.  Now add the differences between the yr. Adam died and Seth 112 yr. difference, Enos 210 yr. difference, Cainan 305 yr. difference + Mahalaleel 360 yr. difference = 987 yr. Enoch was raptured. 

Also there is another place where Enoch's age 365 at the rapture and the yr. 987 when Enoch was raptured were hidden. First of all Seth's yr. of birth 130 + 235 Enos' yr. of birth = 365 Enoch's age when raptured.  Adam's age at Seth's birth 130 + 365 (Seth's birth yr.  130 + Enos birth yr. 235) = 495 yrs. + 492 yrs. = 987 which is the yr. Enoch was raptured.  (492 is difference between Enoch's birth yr. 622 - Seth's birth yr. 130 = 492.  Also 492 is the difference between Jared's yr. 1422 of death  - Adam's yr. of death 930 = 492.)   622 yr. Enoch born + Enoch born 492 yrs. after Seth + 907 = 2021907 as 9/07 is the 1st Day of the Feast of Trumpets in 2021, which may be the possible day and yr. of the Bride's rapture to heaven.

Seth was born in the yr. 130.  235 yr. Enos born - 130 yr. Seth born = 105.  325 yr. Cainan born - 130 yr. Seth born = 195. 395 yr. Mahalaleel born - 130 yr. Seth born = 265.  460 yr. Jared born - 130 yr. Enoch born = 330.  622 yr. Enoch born - 130 yr. Seth born = 492.  687 yr. Methuselah born - 130 yr. Seth born = 557.  874 yr. Lamech born - 130 yr. Seth born = 744.  1056 yr. Noah born - 130 yr. Seth born = 926395 yr. Mahalaleel born + the numbers above of 330 + 926 = 1651 yr. Lamech died +  two numbers from above 105 + 265 = 2021 possible yr. of Bride's rapture. Also two of the numbers above 195 + 492 = 687 yr. Methuselah born + 744 from above + 130 yr. Seth born (744 + 130 = 874 yr. Lamech born) + 460 yr. Jared born = 2021.   Or another way to say it is, Enoch's father Jared's birth yr. 460 + Enoch's son Methuselah's birth yr. 687 + Enoch's grandson Lamech's birth yr. 874 = 2021.  Or Noah's birth yr. of 1056 + Noah's age 600 when Methuselah his grandfather died = 1656 + 365 Enoch's age when he was raptured = 2021987 yr. of Enoch's rapture + 1034 Enoch's age when Methuselah died in 1656 = 2021.

If the Bride's rapture takes place in 2021, then the Second Coming of Jesus should take place 7 years or 2,520 days later in 2028. From the Bible we know that the Gentiles tread under foot the holy city of Jerusalem for 42 months (1260 days) in Rev. 11:2, the Two Witnesses prophesy a thousand two hundred and three-score days (1,260 days) in Rev. 11:3, the Anti-Christ continues for forty and two months (1260 days) in Rev. 13:5, and in Daniel 12:7 time, times and an  half (1260 days.)  Here is what I believe may prove to you that there will be a 7 yr. tribulation period of 2,520 days rather than 1,260 days, and it involves Jared whose name means "he descends." And our Lord Jesus Christ will descend down to the Earth and plant his feet on the Mount of Olives outside Jerusalem 2,520 days after the 7 yr. tribulation period begins. To find 2,520 read the following.  Jared was born in the year 460 and died in the yr. 1422 at the age of 962.  Using Jared's year of death of 1422 - 930 yr. Adam died = 492 yrs. difference. 1422 - 1042 yr. Seth died = 380 yrs. difference. 1422 - 1140 yr. Enos died = 282 yrs. difference. 1422 - 1235 yr. Cainan died = 187 yrs. difference.  1422 - 1290 yr. Mahalaleel died = 132 yrs. difference. 1656 yr. Methuselah died -1422 = 234 yrs. difference.  1651 yr. Lamech died - 1422 = 229 yrs. difference.  2006 yr. Noah died - 1422 = 584. Now add 492 + 380 + 282 + 187 + 132 + 234 + 229584 = 2,520 days or 7 yrs. x 360 Biblical days. 2,520 days in the tribulation period - 492 yrs. difference above between yr. Jared & Adam died = 2028.  Or just add the last 7 numbers of 380 + 282 + 187 + 132 + 234 + 229 + 584 = 2028 possible yr. of Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and at which time the nation of Israel will be 80 yrs. old.   And if Jesus' Second Coming is in 2028 - 7 yrs. of tribulation period = 2021 possible yr. of the Bride's rapture to heaven after the Lord Jesus Christ descends down from heaven to meet us in the air.

Methuselah died in 1656 - 1140 yr. Enos died = 516 yrs. difference.  Jared died in the year 1422.  5/16 written as 516 is the Eve of the Feast of Weeks or Eve of Pentecost in 2021 + 9/06 written as 906 is the Eve of the Feast of Trumpets in 2021 = (516 + 906) = 1422 the yr. Jared died + 234 yrs. Jared dies before the flood  in 1656 = 1656 yr. of flood + 365 Enoch's age when raptured = 2021.  Also the Eve of Feast of Tabernacles on 9/20/2021 is the 263rd day of the yr. + the 1st day of the Feast of Tabernacles on 9/21/2021 is the 264th day of the year = (263+264) =  527 which was Jared's age when his son Enoch was raptured to heaven in 987.  The Eve of the Feast of Tabernacles on 9/20/2021 as 920 = 460 + 460, and 460 was the year that Jared was born.  Lamech was also age 113 when Enoch was raptured +  987 yr. Enoch raptured + 921 as 9/21 = 20219/21/2021 is the 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles in 2021. 460 yr. Jared born + 527 Jared's age when Enoch raptured = 987 yr. Enoch raptured + 1034 Enoch's age when his son Methuselah died in 1656 = 2021. (1656 - 622 yr. of Enoch's birth = 1034.)

Enoch was born in the yr. of 622.  930 yr. Adam died - 622 yr. Enoch born = 308.  1042 yr. Seth died - 622 yr. Enoch born = 420.  1140 yr. Enos died - 622 yr. Enoch born = 518.  1235 yr. Cainan died - 622 yr. Enoch born = 613. 1422 yr. Jared died - 622 yr. Enoch born = 800.  1656 yr. Methuselah died - 622 yr. Enoch born = 1034. Add above numbers of 308 + 420 + 518 + 613 = 1859 + 162 Jared's age when his son Enoch born = 2021.  (622 yr. Enoch born - 460 yr. Jared born = 162.)  Add above numbers of 800 + 1034 = 1834 + 187 age of Methuselah when his son Lamech born = 2021. (874 yr. Lamech born - 687 yr. Methuselah born = 187.)

Jared's age 527 at Enoch's rapture - Methuselah's age 300 at Enoch's rapture = 227 yr. difference + 527 Jared's age at Enoch's rapture + 162 Jared's age at Enoch's birth = 916 as 9/16 is the Day of Atonement in 2021. Also the Eve of Day of Atonement is 9/15/2021 as 915 is the 258th day of the yr. + the Day of Atonement 9/16, 2021 as 916 is the 259th  day of the year = (258 + 259) = 517 is the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost called in 2021as 5/17. It's also interesting to note that Eve of the Feast of Weeks or Eve of Pentecost in 2021 on 5/16 as 516 is the 136th day of the yr. + the Feast of Weeks on 5/17 as 517 is the 137th day of the yr. = (136 + 137) = 273 & the 273rd day of the leap year in 2028 is 9/29, the Eve of the Day of Atonement in 2028.  9/30 is the Day of Atonement in 2028 or as 930 which was the yr. Adam died and his age at death.  9/30 is the 274th day of leap yr. 2028.  The 1st day of the Feast of weeks in 2021 is on 5/17/ 2021 which is 137th day of the yr.  + 137 = 274 as the  274th day of leap yr. 2028 is 9/30 or 930 as yr. & age Adam died.  Also the Feast of the Weeks or Pentecost on 5/17/2021 as 517 + 517 = 1034 Enoch's age when his son Methuselah died + 622 yr Enoch born = 1656 yr. Enoch's son Methuselah died + 365 Enoch's age when raptured = 2021Or the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost in 2021 on 517 + 517 = 1034 is Enoch's age at flood & his age when his son Methuselah died + 987 yr. Enoch raptured = 2021.   Also 622 yr. Enoch born + 622 + 777 Lamech's age at death = 2021.

Also 9/29 as 929 Eve of Day of Atonement in 2028 + 9/30 as 930 Day of Atonement in 2028 = 1859 + 162 Jared's age when Enoch was raptured = 2021.  Jared's age was 527 at Enoch's rapture + 365 Enoch's age at rapture + 1129 as 11/29 is the 1st Day of Hanukkah in 2021 or 527 + 365 + 1129 = 2021

Now if we find the differences in ages between Adam's age when he died at age 930 and the ages of his 8 descendants when they died and the age of his one descendant Enoch who never died who represents eternal life, we will again discover 907 which is the Feast of Trumpets in 2021.  Here are the calculations. Adam died age 930 - Seth died age 912 = 18 yrs. difference. Adam died age 930 - Enos died age 905 = 25 yr. difference.  Adam died age 930 - Cainan died age 910 = 20 yr. difference.  Adam died age 930 - Mahalaleel died age 895 = 35 yr. difference. Jared died age 962 - Adam died age 930 = 32 yr. difference.  Adam died age 930 - Enoch's raptured age 365 = 565 yr. difference.  Methuselah died age 969 - Adam died age 930 = 39 yr. difference.  Adam died age 930 - Lamech died age 777 = 153 yr. difference. (153 is also the number of great fishes that Peter caught in John 21:11 which is a symbol of the saved church.) Noah died age 950 - Adam died age 930 =  20 yr. difference.  Now add the above numbers 18 + 25 + 20 + 35 + 32 = 130 yr. Seth born + 565 + 39 + 153 + 20 = 907 and 9/07 is the Feast of Trumpets in 2021. Also if you add the last 4 numbers of Enoch 565 + Methuselah 39 + Lamech 153 + Noah 20 = 777 the age Lamech died + 130 the yr. Seth born = 907 as 9/07 is the Feast of Trumpets in 2021930 yr. Adam died + 687 Methuselah's birth yr. + 404 as 4/04 Last Day of Passover & Easter in 2021 = 2021930 yr. Adam died + 365 Enoch's age when raptured + 726 yrs. Adam died before Methuselah =  2021.

Enoch's rapture took place in 987 - 930 yr. and age Adam died = 57 yrs.  The 57th day of 2021 is 2/26 as 226 which is the 1st Day of Purim in 2021, and 226 = 113 + 113 which was Lamech's age when Enoch raptured.   226 1st Day of Purim in 2021 + 527 Jared's age at Enoch's rapture + 153 fishes (also 930 age Adam died - 777 age Enos died = 153) = 906 as 9/06 is Eve of Feast of Trumpets in 2021 = 2021.   327 Eve of Passover in 2021 + 516 Eve of Feast of Weeks or Eve of Pentecost + 906 Eve of Feast of Trumpets in 2021 + 272 = 2021.  (272 = 136th day (5/16) + 136th day (5/16 Eve of Feast of Weeks or Eve of Passover in 2021). The 1st Day of Passover in 2021 is 3/28 as 328 + 11/28 as 1128, Eve of Hannukah in 2021 = 1456 + 130 yr. Seth born + 435 yrs. Jared lived after Enoch's rapture = 2021.

987 yr. Enoch raptured - 930 yr. & age Adam died before Enoch was raptured = 57.  527 Jared's age when Enoch raptured - 130 yr. Seth born = 397.  527 Jared's age at Enoch's rapture - 235 yr. Enos born = 292.  527 Jared's age at Enoch's rapture - 325 yr. Cainan born = 202.  527 Jared's age at Enoch's rapture - 395 yr. Mahalaleel born = 132.  Now add 57 + 397 + 292 + 202 + 132 = 1080 The Holy Spirit in Greek gematria + 527 Jared's age at Enoch's rapture + 414 = 2021.  (527 Jared's age at Enoch's rapture - 113 Lamech's age at Enoch's rapture = 414. Also yr. Lamech born 874 - 460 yr. Jared born = 414.) 

If you subtract Enoch's age of 365 at rapture from each of the 9 other patriarchs' ages at death, you will find the following age differences.  Adam age at death 930 - 365 = 565.  Seth's age at death 912 - 365 = 547.  Enos' age at death 905 - 365 = 540.  Cainan's age ate death 910 - 365 = 545.  Mahalaleel's age at death 895 - 365 = 530.  Jared's age at death 962 - 365 = 597.  Methuselah's age at death 969 - 365 = 604.  Lamech's age at death 777 - 365 = 412.  Noah's age at death 950 - 365 = 585.  Add the above age differences of 565 + 540 = 1105 + 916 = 2021916 as 9/16 is the Day of Atonement in 2021.
Then add 565 + 547 = 1112 + 916 = 2028 which is the possible yr. of the Lord's second coming to Earth. Now add 530 + 585 = 1115 + 906 = 2021906 as 9/06 is the Eve of the Feast of Trumpets in 2021. Add 545 + 604 + 412 = 1561 + 460 Jared's yr. of birth = 2021.  Add 530 + 585 = 1115 + 906 = 2021.  906 as 9/06 is the Eve of the Feast of Trumpets in 2021.

If you subtract or add the yr. of birth of the the following patriarchs from Methuselah's birth yr. of 687, you will find the following:

Methuselah 687 yr. born - 130 yr. Seth born = 557.  Methuselah 687 yr. born - 235 yr. Enos born = 452.  Methuselah 687 yr. born - 325 yr. Cainan born = 362.   Methuselah yr. born 687- 395 yr. Mahalaleel born = 292 . Methuselah yr. born 687 - 460 yr. Jared born = 227.  Methuselah yr. born 687 - 622 yr. Enoch born = 65.  Lamech 874 yr. born - 687 yr. Methuselah born =187.  Noah 1056 yr. born - 687 yr. Methuselah born  = 369.  Add the above age differences of 362 + 292 + 227 + 65 + 187 = 1133 + 888 Jesus' Greek gematria = 2021.   Add the above age differences of 292 + 227 + 369 = 888 Jesus' Greek gematria.  However, the above age differences of 362 + 292 + 227 = 881 +1140 yr. Enos died = 2021.  Also the above age differences of 292 +227 + 65 + 187 + 369 = 1140 yr. Enos died + 888 Jesus' Greek gematria = 2028.

1656 yr. Methuselah died - 1140 yr. Enos died = 516. 1656 yr. Methuselah died - 1290 yr. Mahalaleel died = 366. (366 days in leap yr. of 2028.)  1656 yr. Methuselah died - 1422 yr. Jared died = 234.  Now add 516 + 366 + 234 = 1116 + 905 Seth's age at death = 2021. (516 as 5/16 is the Eve of the Feast of Weeks or the Eve of Pentecost in 2021)Also 516 + 366 + 234 = 1116 + 912 Enos' age at death = 2028. 1140 yr. Enos died + 516 = 1656 yr. Methuselah died + 365 Enoch's age when raptured = 2021.

The year of the Great Depression 1929 which was also the year of the Stock Market crash can also be found.  930 yr. Adam died - 460 yr. Jared born = 470 yrs. Adam died after Jared born.  930 yr. Adam died - 622 yr. Enoch Born = 308 yrs. Adam died after Enoch born.  930 yr. Adam died - 687 yr. Methuselah died = 243 yrs. Adam died after Methuselah born. 930 yr. Adam died - 874 yr. Lamech born = 56 yrs. Adam died after Lamech born.  1056 yr. Noah born - 930 yr. Adam died = 126 yrs. Adam died before Noah born.  1656 yr. Methuselah died or yr. of flood - 930 yr. Adam died = 726 yrs. Adam died before the flood.  Now add  470 + 308 + 243 + 56 + 126 + 726 = 1929 yr. of Great Depression and stock market crash. I also found the year 1929 in one other place.  1656 yr. Methuselah died - 930 yr. Adam died = 726.  1656 yr. Methuselah died - 1422 yr. Jared died = 234.  Add 726 + 234 = 960 + 969 age of Methuselah when he died = 1929.  The year Methuselah died in 1656 was a disastrous year because it was the year of the great flood that covered the Earth, and 1929 was also a disastrous year with the Great Depression and the Stock Market crash.

The U.S.Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776.  Cainan's yr. born 325, Mahalaleel's 395 + Noah's yr. born 1056 = 1776.  Jesus' Greek gematria 888 + 888 = 1776.

Seth's son Enos was born in 235 + 905 age Enos died = 1140 yr. Enos died.  930 yr. Adam died - 325 yr. Cainan born = 605 yrs.  930 yr. Adam died - 395 yr. Mahalaleel died = 535 yrs.  Add 605 + 535 = 1140 yr. Enos died.  Cainan was Enos' son & Mahalaleel was Enos' grandson.  1140 yr. Enos died  + Jesus 888 (Greek gematria) = 2028 (The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ?), and 2028 + 1140 yr. Enos died = 3168 Lord Jesus Christ (Greek gematria). 1140 yr. Enos died + 1140 yr. Enos died = 2280 (800 Lord + 1480 Christ (Greek gematria = 2280) + 888 Jesus (Greek gematria) = 3168 Lord Jesus Christ (Greek gematria). Also Adam died in the year 930 which was 57 yrs. before Enoch was raptured in 987, and 57 yrs. x 20 = 1140. The Eve of Purim in 2021 is 2/25 as 225 + 9/15 as 915 the Eve of the Day of Atonement in 2021 = 1140 yr. Enos died. 777 age Lamech died + 777 age Lamech died + 726 yrs. Adam died before Methuselah = 2280 + 888 Jesus' Greek gematria = 3168 Lord Jesus Christ in Greek gematria.  Methuselah's age at death 969 + 777 Lamech's age at death + 1422 yr. Jared died = 3168 Lord Jesus Christ in Greek gematria.  930 age Adam died - 777 Lamech's age at death = 153 (153 fishes in John 21:11) + 527 Jared's age at Enoch's rapture + 622 yr. Enoch born + 622 yr. Enoch born + 622 yr. Enoch born + 622 yr. Enoch born = 3168 Lord Jesus Christ in Greek gematria.  912 age Seth died + 1656 yr. Methuselah died or yr. of great flood + 600 Noah's age when Methuselah died = 3168 Lord Jesus Christ in Greek gematria.  1422 yr. Jared died + 1656 yr. Methuselah's died + 45 Adam's Hebrew gematria + 45 Adam's Hebrew gematria = 3168 Lord Jesus Christ in Greek gematria.  2021 possible yr. of Bride of Christ's rapture - 622 yr. Enoch born = 1399 Enoch's age in 2021 + 1334 Methusaleh's age in 2021 + 435 yrs. Jared lived after his son Enoch's rapture = 3168 Lord Jesus Christ in Greek Gematria.

The Eve of Passover in 2025 is 4/12 & the Last Day of Passover in 2025 is 4/194/12 the Eve of Passover in 2025 as 412 + 365 Enoch's age at rapture = 777 Lamech's age at death + Enoch's birth yr. 622 + 622 = 2021.   Enoch's age at rapture 365 + 622 Enoch's yr. of birth = 987 yr. of Enoch's rapture + 622 Enoch's yr. of birth = 1609 + 4192028.  419 as 4/19 is the Last Day of Passover in 2025.  Also 857 Seth's age at Enoch's rapture + 752 Enos' age at Enoch's rapture + 412 = 2021412 as 4/12 is the Eve of Passover in  2025.  4/19 the Last Day of Passover in 2025 through 9/29 the Day of Atonement in 2028 is 1,260 days. There are 108 days prior to 4/19 the 109th day of 2025 which is the last day of the Feast of Passover so 4/19 through the 12/31, 365th day of 2025, is 257 days + 365 days in 2026 = 622 yr. Enoch born + 365 days in 2027 = 987 yr. of Enoch's rapture + 273 days in 2028 = 1,260 days.  The 273rd day in 2028 leap yr. is 9/29 which is the Eve of the Day of Atonement in 2028. 9/30 in 2028 is the Day of Atonement, and 9/30 as 930 is the yr. and age Adam died.

If the Rapture of the Bride took place in the Fall of 2021, then 1,260 or 3 and 1/2 yrs. later would be in 2025 which is either the possible time the Two Witnesses arrive or the time of their deaths. 622 yr. Enoch born - 130 yr. Seth born = 492.  622 yr. Enoch born - 235 yr. Enos born = 387.  622 yr. Enoch born - 325 yr. Cainan born = 297.  622 yr. Enoch born - 395 yr. Mahalaleel born =  227.   622 yr. Enoch born - 460 yr. Jared born = 162.  687 yr. Methuselah born - 622 yr. Enoch born = 65.  874 yr. Lamech born - 622 yr. Enoch born = 252.  1056 yr. Noah born - 622 yr. Enoch born = 434622 yr. Enoch born + the above numbers of 492 + 387 + 297 yrs. + 227 yrs. Enoch born after Mahalaleel = 2025. (Methuselah was also born 227 yrs. after Jared.)  Now add the above numbers of 227 + 162 + 65 + 252 + 434 = 1140 yr. Enos died + 888 Jesus' Greek gematria = 2028 possible yr. of Jesus 2nd coming to Earth.

From the Eve of the Feast of Trumpets on 9/06/2021 through 2/17/2025, there are 1260 days.  From 2/18/2025 through 8/01/ 2028, there are 1260 days which may be the end of the Great Tribulation on 8/01/2028 which is Tisha B' Av 9 or Av 9.  Av 9 is the date of destruction of both the 1st and 2nd temples in Jerusalem.  Will the destruction of the 3rd temple also take place Av 9 on 8/01/2028 at which time the Great Tribulation may end with Jesus' feet standing on the Mt.of Olives, and the Mt. of Olives splitting in half which would be an earthquake that destroys the 3rd Temple on Av 9, 8/01/2028. Zechariah 14:4 says, "And His feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south."

The 1st temple was destroyed on Av 9 in 587 B.C. by the Babylonians . The 2nd temple was destroyed by the Roman army under Titus on Av 9 in 70 A.D.  I don't know why Jesus would  want to sit in the 3rd temple desecrated by the Anti-Christ & the Image of the Beast so it may be destroyed on Av 9 on 8/01/2028 by an earthquake.

However, another temple will be built because Zechariah 6:12-13 says, "And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD: Even he shall build the temple of the LORD; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both."

So just maybe the Two Witnesses of Rev. 11 will arrive on the Eve of the Feast of the Feast of Trumpets on 9/06/2021 when the Rapture possibly may take place since two witnesses were required to spot the reappearance of the first visible sliver of the New Moon crescent in order to know when the Jewish New Year and the Feast of Trumpets were to take place.  Just prior to that the New Moon is invisible in the sky at night so that just might be the time be a good time for Jesus to come as a thief Rev. 3:3 & Rev. 16:15 because no one is going to see a thief at night time.  If the Two witnesses are killed on 2/18/2025 the day that the Anti-Christ's reign of 1260 days begins, then they would be resurrected on 2/22/2025.

However, if the Great Tribulation of the last 1260 days were to begin on 4/19/2025, which is the last day of Passover, it would last until the eve of the Day of Atonement on 9/29/2028.  Then the first 1260 days of the tribulation would begin 11/05/2021 and end on 4/18/2025 with the Two Witnesses being killed on the last day of Passover on 4/19/2025 and resurrected on 4/23/2025.  I can't see the Two Witnesses allowing the Son of Perdition (Anti-Christ) to sit in the Temple and declare himself to be God because they have power for 1260 days to kill people with the fire coming out of their mouths so they would have to be killed after their 1260 days of prophesying. 

The Rapture could possibly take place 11/05/2021 with the 2,520 days ending on the Eve of the Day of Atonement, 9/29/2028.  Or the Rapture may possibly take place on the Eve of the Feast of Trumpets on 9/06/2021 with the 2,520 days ending on 8/01/2028 on Av 9.  So hopefully we now know the year of the Rapture being 2021 and Jesus 2nd Coming in 2028 although we are not sure of the actual day and hour.

In any case on the Day of Atonement in 2028 Jesus would be judging the nations as show in Matthew 25:31-46 with Him separating the sheep and the goats, and 1,000 years later would be the Great White Throne judgment on the Day of Atonement.

If you go back through this post, you will find the following 15 days listed which are either the eve of a feast or fast, or the feast day or fast day itself and in 1 case it is the last day of Passover in 2021 or Easter.  All 15 numbers have been used. The days are the Eve of Purim, 2/25/2021 as 225 & 2/26/2021 as 226 which is Purim.  The Eve of Passover, 3/27/2021 as 327, and 328 as 3/28/2021 which is Passover. The last Day of Passover or Easter 4/04/2021 as 404.  The Eve of the Feast of Weeks or the Eve of Pentecost 5/16/2021 as 516, and 517 as 5/17/2021 which is the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost. The Eve of the Feast of Trumpets, 9/06/2021 as 906 and 907 as 9/07/2021 which is the Feast of Trumpets. The Eve of the Day of Atonement 9/15/2021 as 915 and 916 as 9/16/2021 which is the Day of Atonement.  The Eve of the Feast of Tabernacles 9/20/2021 as 920 and 921 as 9/21/2021 which if the 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles.  The Eve of Hannukah when the 1st candle is lit on 11/28/2021 as 1128, and 1129 as 11/29/2021 which is the 1st Day of Hannukah.  My point being that these 15 days as 15 numbers point to the year 2021 because the next time all these exact 15 days and these same numbers appear is in 2051. And the exact 15 days as numbers can't be used for 2051 because there is a 30 yr. difference between 2021 and 2051, and these 15 numbers are used in number combinations with the Ten Patriarchs' numbers to make the number 2021. Since the numbers can only be used in 2021, they can only point to the year of 2021 and something big happening in that year.  Hopefully, the Rapture of the Bride of Christ will take place during the Eve of the Feast of Trumpets on 9/06/2021 and the Feast of Trumpets on 9/07/2021.  We can only wait and watch to see what happens.  But if all these numbers in this post aren't coincidences, then they must mean something. Besides the 15 days listed above that help make up the number 2021 in 15 different ways, there are also 13 other ways in this post that I have listed combination of numbers that also make up the number 2021.

Also the Eve of the Feast of Trumpets on 9/06/2021 as 906 + 907 as 9/07/2021, the Feast of Trumpets + 888 Jesus' Greek gematria = 2701 which is the Hebrew gematria for Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." 527 Jared's age at Enoch's rapture + 153 fishes of John 21:11 = 680 + 2021 possible yr. of the Bride of Christ's rapture = 2701.  Or 622 yr. Enoch born + 622 yr. Enoch born + 777 = 2021 + 527 Jared's age when Enoch rapture + 153 fishes = 2701 1140 yr. Enos died + 969 Methuselah's age at death + 592 Mahalaleel's age at Enoch's rapture = 2701. 987 yr. Enoch raptured + 1656 yr. of flood or yr. Methuselah died + 58 Noah's Hebrew gematria = 2701.

Purim on 2/26/2021 as 226 + 527 Jared's age at Enoch's rapture + 153 fishes in John 21:11 = 906 as 9/06/2021, the Eve of the Feast of Trumpets in 2021.  516 as 5/16/2021 Eve of the Feast of Weeks or Eve of Pentecost is the 136th day of the yr.  516 - 136 = 380 + 527 Jared's age at Enoch's rapture = 907 as 9/07/2021, the Feast of Trumpets.

1480 Christ in Greek gematria + 234 yrs. Jared dies before Methuselah + 234 yrs. Jared dies before Methuselah = 1948 yr. Israel was born as a nation. 1948 + 80 yrs. = 2028. (Moses was 80 yrs. old when he spoke to Pharoah to let the Israelites go. Exodus 7:7). Psalm 90:10 says, "The days of our years are threescore years and ten (70); and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years (80), yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away." 2028 as the possible yr. that the Lord Jesus Christ returns to Earth with all His saints.  1042 yr. Seth died - 622 yr. Enoch born = 420 + 1948 = 2368 Jesus Christ in Greek gematria.

987 yr. Enoch raptured - 325 yr. Cainan born = 662.  987 yr. of rapture - 460 yr. Jared born =527.  987 yr. Enoch raptured  - 622 yr. Enoch born = 365.  987 yr. Enoch raptured - 687 yr. Methuselah born = 300   987 yr. Enoch raptured - 874 yr. Lamech born = 113.  Add above numbers of 662 + 527 + 365 + 300 + 113 = 1967 yr. Jerusalem was recaptured, and Israel gained control of Jerusalem for the first time in 2000 yrs.