Donna Danna (2 Aug 2020)
"REPLY TO CLAY CANTRELL -- The Daniel Ezra Mystery"

In reply to your 7/26/20 post called The Daniel Ezra Mystery at what chapters in Ezra refer to the same things as in Daniel 7? 

The wheels as fire in Daniel 7:9 are also in Ezekiel chapter 1 and 10.  The ten horns of Daniel 7:7, 7:20 & 7:24 are found in Revelation 13:1. The hair on the head of the Ancient of Days is pure wool in Daniel 7:9, and in Rev. 1:14, Jesus' hair is white like wool.  The Ancient of Days garment in Dan. 7:9 was white as snow, and Jesus' raiment in Matt. 28:3 and Mark 9:3 was white as snow.  As for "one like the son of man" in Dan. 7:13, Jesus is called the Son of man in many verses in Matthew & in Mark.

You stated, "A vast majority of the verses of Daniel chapter 7 are made up of words found ONLY in the book of Daniel and the book of Ezra."  So what are the chapters and verses in Ezra that are found in the verses of Daniel chapter 7?